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This is a LONG prologue but you definitely need the context.

This is a LONG prologue but you definitely need the context

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𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊, 𝙶𝙰

"I really don't wanna have this argument again, baby." King sucked his teeth, getting off the bed where Moni was laying.

Today was the second week back from Spring Break. Neither of the two cared for school at this point. They were both just looking forward to finally graduating high school in a few weeks. But it seemed like the closer they got to graduation, the more the conversation of where Moni was going to college occurred.

"It's not an argument, Katriel. You just refuse to talk about it." Moni rolled her eyes, getting off the bed as well. She'd rather not have this discussion this early in the morning either, but putting it off wasn't doing her any good.

"You damn right I don't wanna talk about it. 'Cause it always turns into us yelling." Katriel said as he walked into the bathroom of his studio apartment with Moni following in tow.

She sucked her teeth, "You're the one that starts yellin', not me."

"Because you're hard headed as fuck." He shrugged, standing at the sink with Moni behind him. Moni opened her mouth to protest but closed it when she realized her boyfriend was right.

She was definitely hard headed when it came to certain things and this argument was one of them. But you couldn't really blame her. Getting into UCSC was something she dreamed about since freshman year, and here it was finally happening. She just didn't agree with Katriel holding her back and that's where the arguing always happened.

Two weeks before Spring break, Moni found out she got offered a scholarship to UCSC's business program. The scholarship would cover half of her tuition as well as housing. She was already planning on majoring in business since she wanted to launch her line of body-positive dresses after high school. She already attended a fashion school that her dad paid for, all she needed was the business and marketing knowledge. But, she felt like UCSC was a reach and was way out of her price range. With the cost of out-of-state tuition, housing, and other expenses, Moni was almost sure that being able to actually go to the University of California, Santa Cruz was a stretch. But that was before she was offered the scholarship.

Moni and Katriel have been together since their freshman year of high school, but Katriel has been crushing on her since way before then. They're everyone's ideal couple and Katriel has probably been planning their wedding since the day he asked her out. But now that it was time for her to make a life-changing decision, he felt like Moni shouldn't want to leave or move that far away if she really loved him. She also didn't think twice before accepting the scholarship and that pissed Katriel off even more. He felt like she wasn't taking anyone else into consideration.

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