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Ch. 6

𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊, 𝙶𝙰

"Thats them." Sage tells JD very quietly after hearing a few knocks on the door as she and Mercy finish setting the table. Jediah sighed, exiting the dining area to open the front door while Mercy walked back into the kitchen to bring the last tray of greens out.

Sage said a prayer in her head, silently asking god to open everyone's ears tonight and allow them to actually hear one another out.

Just as Mercy set the last tray down, Moni came walking down the spiral staircase holding Yori who had just woken up from a nap in her arms. Both sisters took seats next to each other with Yori on her mom's lap and Sage sitting next to Mercy, leaving the seat next to her open for Jediah since he'd rearranged the chairs so that four sat on each side of the table.

Mercy glanced at the four empty seats across from her with a weird look on her face, wondering why both her parents chose to sit on one side of the table. JD walked back into the dining area with a hardened expression on his face and both sisters made eye contact with each other, silently wondering why their father was already in a pissy mood. But when they saw the group filing in behind him, they understood exactly why.

"I know you fuckin' lying." Mercy shot up from her seat, immediately locking eyes with Kai and his girlfriend who was not too far behind him. Sada and King stood next to him, both of them looking completely out of place and uncomfortable.

"Mercedes watch your mouth in front of your niece!" Sage scolded her, but Mercy just shook her head, "You invited them over? Really momma?" She looked at her mother, a pleading tone to her voice.

Moni just shook her head, biting the inside of her cheek as she stared at the table in front of her. The tension grew thick in the air and an uncomfortable silence filled the room except for Yori's little mumbles. Moni wanted nothing more than to disappear from the room right now and act like none of this ever happened. After yesterday, the last thing she wanted to do was see King or Sada again, let alone have dinner with the two.

Jediah walked over and stood next to Sage who was still seated. "I understand your upset, shit I am too, but watch your tone when you're speaking to your momma Mercedes."

Mercy let out an exasperated breath and sat back down next to her sister and niece, putting her head in her palm. She didn't ever want to see Kai again and her plan was to avoid going to places he might be while at she's still in Georgia. She could just hop on the plane back to Cali in a few days and act like she never saw him in the first place. But this plan wasn't going to work with Sage forcing her to deal with her problems head-on.

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