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If you don't like reading about that kind of stuff I would suggest just skipping this one & waiting for chapter 10. Addiction is a very real issue and this chapter doesn't spare y'all the grim details.

And to everyone in the comments, please don't be insensitive.



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flashback chapter
𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊, 𝙶𝙰

7 year old Iyanna sat on the floor of the room she shared with her older brother as she sifted through the small amount of toys Katriel would buy her from their local Dollar Tree. He would scrounge together and save up any coins he came across for weeks — whether that be ones he found on the street, at school, in the couch, literally anywhere — until he could afford to buy her another toy. He never got any for himself though, only Yanna.

"King! When you gon' play with me?" Yanna whined. She looked up at her brother who stood with his back facing her, hanging up their clothes to dry on the clothesline he made since their 8 year old dryer was just there for decoration at this point.

"Hold on, Yanna. Maybe later." King muttered, precisely clipping his littler sister's pink cargo shorts to the clothesline. "Did you check on mommy today?" He asked. He turned around to see Yanna shaking her head in response with a pout on her lips.

King sighed to himself, hopping down from the box he placed underneath the window. He walked over to Yanna and kneeled down, fixing the sitting position of one of the cheap, off brand dolls with the squishy bodies.

"I'll play with you after I check on momma, okay?" King bargained, not wanting to see his sister upset. He felt bad for not being able to play with her the last few days. But he had errands to tend to around the house and he didn't want her to have to help.

Yanna nodded in response, satisfied with his answer. King leaned forward and placed a kiss on her chubby cheek, instantly making the pout on her lips turn into a sweet smile. He got up, leaving Yanna to play with her toys in the small room that barely fit their two twin size beds.

Maneuvering around the clutter in the small hallway, King sauntered over to his parents' bedroom door which he always left cracked open. The room was dark with the exception of the glowing orange and pink afternoon sky streaming through the windows.

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