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Ch. 3

𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊, 𝙶𝙰

"I missed your cooking like shit!" Jediah let out an exasperated breath and rubbed his stomach.

"Oop. Bad wowd gwanpa." Yori mumbled, chewing on a piece of BBQ ribs. Moni chuckled and continued eating while Jediah just smiled at his granddaughter.

"Mhm! You tell him, KayKay!" Sage nodded, making her giggle.

"No because you had no business throwing down like that momma." Mercy let out a breath and leaned back in her seat in the same position her father was in, "All of this food better go to the right places. I'm not trying to look pregnant."

"I wonder how you looked pregnant, Mini." JD smiled and looked at Moni who just shook her head at him. "I looked stupid as hell I'll tell you that."

"No you didn't!" Sage gasped, "She looked so adorable Jediah, you should've seen it! Moni is naturally small too so the baby weight looked so cute on her." She pouted causing Moni to chuckle because that's definitely not how she felt during her pregnancy.

"I definitely didn't feel cute or small. I felt like a cow." She chuckled, putting her fork down on her empty plate. Moni has a naturally small figure so the baby weight took way more of a toll on her physically than it would've done for someone taller or more built than her. But after having Kayori, she and Mercy started going to the gym in their free time or just going on short walks here and there so she could lose the weight. It worked out for her because she was finally proud of the body she saw when she looked in the mirror.

"Mmcht, bye Moni. You didn't look like a cow. And you lost all that weight within like 6 months of having Yori." Mercy pointed out.

"Cow? Moo." Yori said before bursting into giggles. Moni looked down at her and just chuckled. Once Yori's shyness died down she was talkative, just like her mom, and would just say random things.

Jediah stood up and gathered him and his wife's plate and utensils. Mercy pushed her empty plate towards her dad, catching his eye. "What the hell you pushin' that plate towards me for? Get yo lazy ass up." Jediah looked at his daughter like she was crazy before stacking Sage's empty cup on the plate and walking out of the dining room.

Sage laughed at Mercy who huffed and stood up, taking her sister and niece's plates with her into the kitchen. Sage looked at Yori who had crawled onto her mom's lap and rested her head on Moni's chest. "When's the last time you talked to Sada?" Moni asked her mother.

Sage shrugged, "Maybe two weeks ago? I know she's busy with her internship and stuff so I try not to bother her. She worked hard for it so it deserves her undivided attention."

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