chapter 9

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   Morning rose as Toby stretched, arching his back he felt stares from the corner of his room "HAPPY HALLOWEEN TOBY!!" A littles girls voice yelled as she jumped on the boy landing on his chest "oh h-hello Sally, H-Halloween d-doesn't happen untill next w-weekend" he stuttered out patting her head "oh come on let her celebrate early!" Another voice this time male said walking to the door "Jacob, that you?" He asked (Jacob the stalker real creepypasta not OC but I might use my OC in this chapter) Jacob showed his face while nodding "is me I'm taking care of Sally and she really wanted to see you soooo here we are" he explained leaning on the doorway "okay then. Say Sally do you wanna decorate the place for Halloween?" He already knew the answer but wanted to see her happy face "YES!" She ran out of the room with Jacob leaving him to get ready.

While on the other hand Jeff was setting up traps in all sides of the woods because he knew punk (how long have you seen the actual use of that word?) ass teenagers would intrude for their little adventures "and that's the last of-" he heard one of his traps go off "well, well, well what do we have here?" He walked to where he heard the noise "god dammit!" The person said seeming to be in a hole "well who do we have here?" He looked down to see a boy with black and white split dyed hair that pooled under his neck a little, with a black mask with a long black steampunk trench coat with a dark grey jacket and black jeans "oh shit, welp my time has come" he said seeming not to care for what would happen "wait I know you you're No Face, the guy that takes people's face?" He looked at all the details "yes it tis I Jeffrey de killa" "oh haha very funny, just grab my hand" he lend his hand down so No Face could take it "thanks!" He gabbed it and pulled himself up "Jesus you're light" Jeff chuckled out "yeah well I'm 13 and a serial killer who runs a lot" he retorted while Jeff stared in shock at this information "YOU'RE 13! THE NO FACE IS 13!" He yelled out and No Face put his head down "yeah I'm aware and call me NF-" Jeff looks as if he was to speak but NF stopped him "no it's not my real name it's just better if you call me that not to waist time."

Jeff walked NF to the entrance and let him be "well that was interesting" he walked back thinking of what next to do "alright Sally I-i think that enough bl-blood" Jeff walked to the voice to get a easy kill "okay Toby" she said putting bottles of blood away into a box "h-how does it lo-look?" Toby asked stepping back "I think it looks amazing" she looked in awe "it does doesn't it?" Jeff asked while the two whirled around to see who said that "Jeff. The fuck are you doing here?" He gritted his teeth while Sally stared in confusion "wait you're Jeff the killer!" She ran up to him "one and only" he said looking down "I'm Sally!" She raised her hand up as Jeff shook it "try to do-" Toby began to speak but was cut off "I won't do anything besides I love kids, not in that way but in a fatherly way" he got on his knees next to her "Sally no you can't trust him he'll take control over your life and pretend like he did nothing I mean ask Liu" he replied rather pissed at this random inconvenience "look you don't need to bring him up, and you're little boss is the one who will take over your life" Jeff stared into Toby's soul in a way, a shiver went down his spine "fine, just be careful Sally I barely trust that guy." "Ich hasse diesen Kerl, warum kann er nicht einfach sterben?" Toby grunted out "what the fuck did he just say?" Jeff looked to Sally "I don't know he speaks German." (cannon, Toby's nationality is German therefore I make it so when hes talking bad about someone he does it in German.)

Insanity (Jeff the killer x Ticci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now