Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

I'm busy eating at our company canteen when girls and guys from the higher department were murmuring about a rumor.

I'm Lalisa Manoban, 25 years of age living alone in a tiny apartment just a few blocks away from where I work. It was such a great opportunity to enter a well known company without any much trouble on interviews, well I don't like to apply on other companies. Even if my salary would be less than the minimum wage I don't care because I'm at the Kim's property, even if they offer me 50 billion dollars I'll choose to stay here because the person I'm here for is worth more than that.


I'm wearing a well ironed white polo top with a black coat that's match with my black pants and shoes, I'm ready for the interview again.

"Goodmorning sir" I happily greeted.

"What the hell, it's you again?" he look at me up and down.

"Is that the right way to say goodmorning, how rude Eunwoo" I'm being disrespectful but he looks like an old man bud for me.

He signal me to sit down on one of the chairs across from his table.

"Can't you find another company to apply?" he speak in a polite way.

I smiled at him "I'm Lalisa and I want to work here"

He facepalmed "How did I even met a person like you, so annoying" he comb his hair backwards "so why do you always apply here?" I don't know if he's being serious or joking around.

I laugh "Hahahahahahaha you're funny Eunwoo" I continued laughing.

"Why are you laughing? And stop calling me on my first name, we're not close" he has a blank face.

"You're asking an obvious question, I apply for the job vacancy because you're hiring Mr. CHA" I proudly answered while my head is held up high.

"Aish dumbass, stop calling me Mr. Cha" he said while looking at me in disbelief.

My papers are on his table, he check it one by one.

"Your credentials aren't that's the worst I've ever seen in my entire life although I had seen it ten times already I still can't believe. How did you even got here???" he ask while he's laughing on my requirements.

I didn't feel offended though "I don't know, maybe because I'm that lucky at studies. I'm here because it's my ambition, to work in the company of my one and only Jennie Kim"

I'm too full of myself that I don't feel ashamed of being dumb, vocal and clumsy.

"You won't have a chance on Miss Kim, you're out of her league. She likes smart people, someone who can understand her fully. You won't suit here. I'm so sorry" Eunwoo fix the papers and gave it to me "Better luck next time, or should I say no next" he laugh.

He's so cocky.

"I hope you had a bad day today hmmpp" I stomp my feet as I walk away.

Aish this is the tenth time I applied here yet they don't want to hire me. Don't they want a cute person in their company? Nevermind, I'll apply again anyway.

I'm walking without looking on the way when I bump into someone, I grab her waist to prevent her from falling on the floor.

"You okay? I'm so sorry I'm not looking on the way" I let go of her as I bowed down.

"No biggie" she smile at me.

She was tall, blonde and have a cute face. If I were to compare her to an animal she'd become a chipmunk.

She's annoyingly cuteWhere stories live. Discover now