Chapter 22

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Irene's POV

I received a text from Jisoo this morning, I'm absolutely surprise.

Jisoo: Are you free? Can we talk?

Oh my is this girl asking me out? Does she know I already have a girlfriend?

"Who's that?"

Seulgi was done washing the plates we use, she'll later go to work at 9 at a local coffee shop.


She immediately steal my phone away from me looking at the screen making sure it was a text from Jisoo.

"This brat, is she asking you out for a date?!?"

"Give me back my phone, maybe it's something important"

"Like what? She'll confess her love on you and you'll leave me because I only work on a Café and a bar. That my money isn't oozing unlike her. Duh over my dead body"

"You're really dead if you won't give my phone back, stop overreacting will you?"

"What if my instinct was right? What will you do?"

"Bear calm down, we won't know her reason if I won't ask her about it. Now give me my phone"

She hand me my phone and sat comfortably on the couch.

"Sit here so you'll believe it" I pat the vacant space.

"Okay" she complied.

I type a message.

Me: I'm free, but can I know what are we going to talk about?

Seulgi was patiently waiting for a reply.

Jisoo: It's about Lisa

"I knew it! That girl was sus! I tell you Irene she like Lisa"

She burst out blabbering.

"Shut up bear, Jisoo has a girlfriend remember? Why would she like me?"

"Huh, I don't trust her face. She looks like a f-...fool"


Me: What about her? Is there a problem at her performance on work?

Seulgi keeps on blabbering.

"That kind of person really have a lots of girls swooning for her money, what if she's not loyal to her girlfriend? Don't you think about that?"

I ignored her waiting for Jisoo's reply.

"I bet she waste her money on girls or worst take them on hotels and do unholy things. I don't really trust her, so I advice you to avoid her"

Jisoo: Not related to work. It's about Jennie, she was hurt by Jennie.

What? In what case?

Me: What do you mean hurt? Did she said something hurtful to our Lisa?

"Bae if I can only slap her face I already did, you see how she smirk on those cameras? She'd probably lying to the media leaving a good impression"

Jisoo: She slap Lisa numerous times, she even admitted she hit her with a bag.

"What the f?!?" Seulgi reacted "Jennie did those? How dare her to hurt my Lisamgyup? I'll slap her in person"

As if you can.

Me: Let's meet then, just text the location

"I'm going with you okay? I won't let that gi-.."

"You're really going since we need to sort things out, my poor chopsticks. We will visit her later"

"I have work Bae" she pouted.

"Then talk to your boss if you can leave early, our little Lisa needs us"

"Little? That big fungus? No way hahahahaha"

My phone dings.

Jisoo: My driver will pick you up, tell me what time you're available so I can cancel my appointments

Me: No its okay if we

I didn't finish what I'm typing when bear suddenly snatch my phone. She type something.

And when she gave it back to me I glared at her.

Me: 5 PM would be okay, I'll thank you in advance for the ride and I'm bringing my girl with me

"Really bear? Do you want me to extend your punishment?"

"Sorry Bae, I'm only making sure you're going to take me"

"What's with the trust issue?"

She smiled "Hehehehehehe nothing bae"

Jisoo: Okay 5 PM, thank you for accepting my offer. Wait for my driver outside your house

Me: Thank you, have a good day

"I wonder how it feels like to sit on a rich person's car, I would probably feel like a fucking boss too"

I slap her mouth.

"Aawww! What was that for?!?"

"Watch your words and your tone towards me, remember you have a bad impression on me this week"



My mind was all over our baby chopsticks, what if she didn't able to cope up with what Jennie did to her? I'm so supportive yet I didn't know what's happening between them.

I need to know the whole details, I don't want Lisa to get hurt just because she loves Jennie. That's the last thing I want her to experience, getting hurt.

Kai's POV

"Hey yow wassup people!"

I greeted everyone in Jennie's company, they bowed at me while smiling.

"Goodmorning sir"

"Jennie's here? Or nah?"

"She's in her office sir, she have a visitor as of the moment"


"Sir Taehyung sir"

What is TaeTae doing here? Does he really mean what he told me the other week? I don't like seeing him with Jennie, he have a dark past.

"Thank you for informing me"

I walk straightly to Jenduekie's office, Chaeyoung was about to get out when I hold the door's bar.

"Oh hi Kai"

"Goodmorning Chaeyounga"

She smiled "You're having a good morning huh, what's with you today?"

"Nothing. You're only making issues hahahahaha"

"Yah! I'm not, anyway why you're here?"

"I'm here to check on Jennie, is she inside?"

"Yeah. But can you come in later? TaeTae was there talking to her as of the moment"

"They won't mind if I join them"

I hold the door's bar.

"Yah! Wait Kai!"

Before she could stop me I already open the door.

"Goodmorning Jenduekie! Goodmorning Tae"

"Sorry miss Kim, I didn't stop him"

"It's okay Chae, let him in. I'll call you if I need anything"

Chaeng bow at her before bidding goodbye.

"So what do we have here? Having a short visit Tae or should I say making a move already"

"Why? You jealous? Come on man, don't act like you love vagina"

This is what I don't like about him, his mouth and his attitude.

"Just kidding bro hahahahaha don't take it seriously. I'm not courting Jennie....yet" he smirk.

"Oh courting, I thought all you know is hard sex"

Looks like I caught him off guard when he clench his fist.

Jennie cleared her throat "If both of you talk about shit, you can get the hell out"

"Sorry Jen"

He acts like he's so nice tsk.

"Why are you here Kai?"

"Can't I miss my Nini? I'm here to annoy you"

"Aish why did I even have a boy friend like you"

"Don't worry I won't take long, I came here to talk to Lisa. You're not the purpose of my sudden visit"

"For what?!?"

"None of your business, it's only for the eight of us. So bye"

She stood up from her swivel chair "Eight?!? Who are they and what are you gonna talk about with Lisa?"

Seems like I get her attention, as what Chu said Jennie get attentive by mentioning Lisa's name.

"Hmmm something.......personal and private"

I hold Jennie's shoulder but she remove it.

"I should know"

"Why? Are you her girlfriend? Ah nah, you're not even her friend"

"Stop fooling around Kai, I might ban you in my place"

"What's with the sudden outburst? Hahahahaha I'm only joking Jenduekie"

"It's not funny at all"

I look over at V.

"I'm going, I don't want to waste your precious time"

"You're not going anywhere unless you tell me the reason why you want to talk to Lisa"

"As I said, you're not her girlfriend. It's not part of the contract to butt in to your employee's personal life isn't it? Relax Jen, I'm not gonna harm your employee"

"I don't care if it's not part of the contract, I should know everything that goes around her life"

"Aish! I don't like to explain things. Bye!"

I bolt out the door running for my life, I can hear Jennie's voice calling out for me.

I'm outside her office when I notice everyone is looking at me including the person I want to talk to.

"Lisa my friend!"

She look at me with wide eyes "Oh hi Kai"

"How ya doing? Uhm you free tomorrow night?"

She have this weird look at me.

"It's not what you're thinking Lisayah" I chuckled "Don't worry, four pairs will date"

Her expression becomes more confuse.

"It's gonna be me and Krystal, Jisoo and Rosé, Irene and Seulgi then you and Ye-..."

"Seulgi? Oh Kang Seulgi? How did you know them?!? Don't tell me you kidnap them?!? Kim Jong-in!"

"Ssshhh you're being too noisy right now, lower down your voice. I met them at the mall one time. So this morning Jisoo called and set a date for us. You free?"

She smiled "Sureeee. As long as you own the expenses I don't mind, I'll ran out of money because of Yeji's big stomach"

"Hahahahahahaha I'm gonna tell that to Yeji"

"Yaahhh! Don't you dare or I tell everyone that you..."

"I'm what?"

"You have a small dick" she whispered.

I glared at her "What are you talking about? My dick is 10x bigger than yours"

"I saw it. You have small dick unlike mine"

"Oh is that so? Then I dare you to measure yours infront of me. In that way I'll believe that yours is bigger, I might even reward you if you prove it right"

Everyone murmurs in the office, curious about what Lisa and me is talking about.

"Okay, I'm the hottest so it's not gonna lessen how cool I am" oh so now she's boasting.

"Forget about that. So you're going okay? I'm going to inform them. Wear something decent not like cram school style"

"YAH! Are you saying I have a bad style?"

I nod.

"YAH! You're dead!"

Someone cleared her throat before Lisa could even attack me.

"Kai. Leave my building, you're creating a mess"

"I'm not Jennie , you're being unreasonable right now. You talk like your mom hahahahaha"

"Tsk. You're making an excuse to stay longer"

"And you're making an alibi to go look over at someone eh?"

"You're making a reason for me to really kick you out in my own"

"I'm done talking to Lisa anyway. Bye Lis, bye Jen"

"Bye Kai"

I smiled back at her as she wave her hand at me.

Jennie on other hand has this unacceptable look in her face.

Gotta be ready for drama. This is it, let us play Jennie's emotion for a while.

Jennie's POV

I can literally feel my jealousy, yes I'm jealous that anyone can steal Lisa's attention happily while me all she show was fear.

"Call Lisa here in my office"


"Oh no, it's Jisoo. Ofcourse Lisa as in Lalisa"

Chaeng giggled.

"What's funny?"


She left me, aish this girl was absolutely a little bit crazy.

I'm thinking deeply. I'm thinking of what Jisoo told me, what if karma was on its way and take Lisa. What if Lisa starts to fall out of love? What if I'll see her happy with another girl?

Taehyung was so frustrated towards me when I suddenly decline his offer. Even though I already said yes watching Lisa with that smile makes me uncomfortable. It's like they're planning something.

I don't trust Kai with that smile he gave me when we talk earlier, I've been with him so I know it has a meaning.

I'm interrupted when someone shakes me lightly.

"Wife you okay? You seem zoning out"

"Don't you dare touch me"

She look down "Uhm w-why did you call me miss Kim"

"You'll have overtime today, I want you to finish it before the deadline"

"But mi-.."

"Take it or you're fired?"

"M-Miss Kim I h-have a.."

"A what Miss Manoban?"

Her lips are trembling "N-Nothing"

"Good, you can now go"

She bowed at me before leaving.

I'm irritated on how she change the endearment to something formal. This is not good.

After a few minutes Chaeng went in and approach me.

"Why did you call her?"


"Ookkkaaayyy. Wanna grab lunch?"

"Can you just order online? I don't wanna go out today"

"Ofcourse Jen, what would you like?"

"Any would do"

"Got it"

In terms of food, Chaeng would be top of the class. She know most of the food she see, sometimes I bring her on business trips but it turns out to be a food trip. I always look like I'm the secretary and she's the boss.

I'm not complaining though, I like her company.

Jisoo's Christ calling...

What does she need now? I just saw her boring face this morning and now she's ruining my day.


"Why did it take long for you to answer?"

"Wow you called then you have the audacity to complain? It's so you Chu"

"Whatever" she grunts "Why did you let Lisa have an overtime?!?"

"Oh so she already reported to you. News really are fast nowadays" I chuckled.

"Jenduekie! I don't think there are files that needed to be pass this week, you're making an excuse to let Lisa stay in your office. Are you that desperate to ruin her life?"

"Excuse me?!? Ruin her life?!? What the fuck Chu, I ain't have any intentions of doing that petty things!"

"Really?!? Then explain to me why you're so focus to her right now. Why is she the only one having an overtime while the others don't? Jennie I know you since childhood. You make the people live a life of hell when you're into them, when will you grow up?!?"

"How dare you tell me that?!?" I slam my table which cause Chaeng to flinch "Lisa is my employee. I'll say whatever I want her to do. She's in my company. It means she's my property, so can you fuck off in my business because I don't mind yours"

"Wow property? Don't let me say shit on you Jen, you're too much already"

"Fuck you Chu, are you gonna turn your back to your cousin over that douchebag? Go on! It's not like I'm affected"

"Tsk, I don't even know where to start just to make you see how worst you are. I'm gonna take Lisa with me this evening, I don't care if you fire her or not. Well it's better if you fire her, finding a job would be easy anyway"

"I won't make it easy for her Jisooya, I'll make sure she won't ever get a job. How you like that?"

"Let's see"

She ended the call.

"Arrrrgggg! You're dead Jichu"

"What happened?" Chaeng went on my table and sat across from me.

"Your girlfriend was so persistent to take Lisa away from me. She's so ughhh!"

"Hahahahahaha Jisoo likes competing with you nowadays, don't worry she didn't meant what she said to you whatever it is"

"Chaeng she meant it. I swear she meant it based on the tone of her voice, she'll probably make a way to do that"

Suddenly someone knock.

"Maybe that's the delivery, I'll get it"

Chaeng hurriedly approach the door as she open it revealing a guy holding a well pack food.

"Thank you" Chaeng bowed "Here is it!!!! I'm so hungry"

"We literally had break time a while ago and you keep on saying you're hungry. How big your stomach is?" I chuckled.

"Yah! The food is not enough that's why I'm always hungry"

She put down the food on my table.

"Keep on denying Chaeng"

"I'm only like you, always keep on denying even though it shows"

"Denying what?"

"You like Lisa"

"I don't"

We already start eating the food Chaeng ordered. It was tteokbokki, fried chicken, fries, kimchi fried rice, soda, salad and ice cream.

"Yeah keep on denying"

"Psssshh, are you having a date tonight?"

"Yeah! Its gonna be eight of us" she ate a spoonful of rice.

"Hmmm eight"

"Yup. Me and Jisoo, Kai and Krystal, Irene and Seulgi then Lisa and Yeji. I know you won't go if I ask you so it's only gonna be us"

That's why Kai came earlier and Jisoo was so mad that I gave Lisa an overtime.

"Why would you think of that? Do you think I'll always say no?"

"Yes. It's your usual answer when we want to hang out with you"

"I'll go"


"I'll go with you"

"No. I already have a date, I don't want you to be our third wheel"

"Ofcourse I'll bring my own date"

I smirk, I won't let it slip this time.



"Oh Taehyung. Are the both of you having mutual understanding?" she tease me.

Yuck as if. I don't like Tae not even bit, I'm only using him.

"Jisoo texted you're giving Lisa an overtime, how can she go wi-.."

"I'll cancel it. I'll tell it to her later since we will be going on a date"

"Lisa's so diligent you know. Super funny and cute. Yeji is so fond of her presence, she always ask how Lisa is"

"She ask you?!?"

I didn't know Yeji would be this desperate that she even ask other people. Did she think Chaeng would be her spy? No fucking way.

"Yup. I received messages everyday, you know she never failed to text me hahahahahahaha. I'm impressed by her efforts"

If that's the case, probably Lisa is also receiving messages from her. I'll confiscate her phone during work hours.

"Jenduekie, if I were you, I might grab the chance while Lisa still like you. Once she catch feelings to Yeji, it would probably be too late for you to take her back"

No. Jisoo would only laugh at me if I did that.

Let me play this game because I know I'll win anyway.

"Chaeng just eat there, you're talking nonsense"

"You might regret if you keep on ignoring it. Jennie, the world is round. It keeps on turning, today she loves you but do you think she'll still love you tomorrow? If you keep showing her that you don't, she might love someone else"

"I didn't obliged her to love me until the end, feelings come and go"

"You won't change your mind? Okay let be it, I hope you won't run after her and cry the hell out hahahahahahaha"

"I won't do that"

We continued eating as I change the topic, I'll probably not gonna chase her.

I won't chase her because she's the one going to chase me.

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