Chapter 40

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Ryujin's POV

Today is our flight, I'm going to Italy with Somi. My mind already decided but I know my heart will stay here in Korea. My heart would only beat for one person who doesn't see me as her future- not a chance of being her lover.

"We will miss you" Lia cried as she hug me tightly "Why do you have to go away from us? Can't you just stay?"

"We already talk about this Lia. I promise to call you everyday" I kiss her forehead and wipe her tears.

"But a call isn't enough! It's different when we'll be able to touch you. I can't pinch your cheeks anymore!"

I chuckled "Then pinch me now. I promise that if ever I move on, I'll go back"

"but what if you don't? Then that means you're not going back?"

Well that's a tricky question.

"Then you'll be the one visiting me hahahahaha"

She hit my arm "Unfair!"

"You're acting like you're the maknae" Yuna squint her eyes on Lia "I'll miss you unnie. Take care there, don't skip meals. Don't drink beers okay? I'm going to get mad at you"

I know she wanted to cry badly but she refrain herself. Her eyes are watery.

"Don't forget about our chocolates. Update us everyday. Last but not the least, promise me you're not gonna cry anymore about her. Pinky promise?" she put forward her pinky finger.

I entangled it with mine "Pinky promise"

She hug me tightly "Take care unnie"

"Yahh! Why does I feel like I'm dying? Hahahahaha you're making me feel miserable"

Byul hit my arm "Yah! Don't joke about dying! If you die I'll kill you so you're gonna be double dead"

The others laugh on what Byul said.

I look at them, I'm going to miss their presence.

"Can we have a group hug?" I open my arms widely.

They all ran to me while I'm giggling on what they did, although my tears betrayed me.

"I'm going to miss you guys. Just do the things we always do even if I'm not here anymore, be happy"

We are all crying.

Somi approach us with a smile "Looks like we have a farewell blessing here"

"Somi!!!!" Chaeyoung hug her.

"Oh the little kid miss me"

"Yah! You're just tall!"

"I'm kidding" she giggled.

"Somi, please take care of Ryujin. If she do something stupid, you have the right to beat her. I'm giving my authorization" Byul said.

"Copy unnie! I'm gonna beat her into a pulp"

I just chuckled.

"You should go now, you might miss the flight"

Lia hug me once more "Unnie! Don't be careless okay? We will be waiting"

I tap her back "Yes Lia, I'll do that"

We break the hug. We all bid goodbye as me and Somi went inside to check in our luggage. I saw them waving their hands while Lia and Yuna broke down into tears.

Me and Somi wait for a while as we sat on the benches. She excuse for a while to get some coffee for us. I watch the people passing by infront of me, some with happy faces, some aren't. After a few minutes she came back.

"Here's some coffee" she said in a soft voice.

I look up seeing Somi handing me a cup with a smile on her lips.

"Thank you Somi"

"You're always welcome Ryu"

I know it's heartwarming that someone I hurt before would care for me like I didn't do anything bad.

My tears fell nonstop, I start sobbing realizing what will my life be once I'm away of all this shit I'm going through.

Somi rub my back "You're going to be fine. I'll help you pass this, I'll stay with you until you feel better. You don't have to worry about me"she paused "you have to worry about yourself, you'll definitely find your other half. Maybe not me but someone whom you never expect"

I hope it was that easy, I hope I could just collect all the memories we had and throw it away.....but it was the only thing I have from her. I'm gonna cherished it til the end of my life.

I wipe my tears using my handkerchief "Yeah. I'm going to be fine. Thank you Somi"

She pull me for a hug "Be strong"

Attention, this is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 372A to Italy. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 372A. Thank you.

I look at Somi who stand up and pick up her luggage "Shall we?"

I also took mine and starts walking towards the plane, but before entering I look back hoping she would appear on the crowd shouting my name stopping me. But it didn't happen.

"Anything wrong Ryujin?"

"Uhm...n-none. Let's go"

We both walk and find our seats, I choose mine next to the window. I wanted to see the sky.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 372A with service from Korea to Italy. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Korean Air. Enjoy your flight.

The captain announced on the speakers as we comfortably sit. This is it. I'm leaving Korea, goodbye for the memories specially for that one person who made me do this. I don't know when will I step foot again here and I wasn't even sure if I can forget the things I did. I'm leaving but the pain was still in my heart. I'm gonna leave Korea, should I also leave the pain?

"Relax. You can do it Ryujin. You can lessen the pain but.....there's a little hurt that will remain. Once you overcome it, it won't be a big deal anymore" Somi hold my hand.

"Yeah. I'm rooting for that. I'm gonna get over with Yeji but it doesn't mean I'll forget her completely. She would be the only woman I love dearly and nobody could ever replace that"

Somi gave me a wide smile "That's the Ryujin I know. Keep it up"

I gave her a warm smile, the plane starts to move indicating that we are already going. I look outside the window, the weather is fine. Bye Korea. Bye my friends. Bye Lisa. And last, Goodbye Yeji. I wish all the happiness in the world......because after all what you did to me, I still love you. I love you.

Jennie's POV

I go back to New Zealand where my home is, where Lisa's arms is the only safe place I know.

She was wearing her favorite yellow hoodie and boxer shorts while eating breakfast alone. I didn't tell her that I'm coming, so I surprise her.

But my innocent Lili is avoiding me everytime I open up about having a sexy time with her, don't she like it? Every guy would kneel down infront of me and beg for it while I'm giving it for her for free. I get my phone in my pocket and dialed Irene's number.

"Jennie! You called, what's the matter?"

"Uhm unnie....I want to ask something"

"What is it? Is it something serious?"

"Well the thing is" I bite my lower lip "I'm too shy to ask"

Yeah. I'm shy now asking a question which is really embarrassing to ask.

"Go ahead Jen, it's just me"

"Uhmmm....Lisa. She don't want it to do with me" I sigh.

Irene chuckled of what I said "Jen she is just nervous, she never tried it before. But to tell you honestly.....she watch a lot"

Hmmm she watch a lot huh.

"Then why won't she let me get through her pants?"

"Jennie, Lisa would soon want to make love with you. I think she's not ready of what you're asking. I'm telling you Jen, if ever she wants to do it you might not walk for the entire week"

So I'm the desperate one now. If ever she ask me to do it, it'll be me playing hard to get.

"Maybe unnie. She just dump me earlier, it's my 5th time trying to seduce her but to my dismay it didn't work"

Irene laugh at me "Oh my god Jen, you didn't have to do that. Don't worry, if you'll come back in Korea I have a plan"

"But I'm not sure if we will go back there"

"Huh?!? You're not planning to take her back here??? But Jennie!"

"I know I said I'll tell it to my family but maybe next month"

She sigh "Next month? Why so late?? Make sure you'll do as what you promise"

"Unnie, I just announced that I'm married. I know they're still processing what they watch, how much more if I told them it was Lisa I'm married to"

"Jen, I know you. Tell me the truth"

I roll my eyes knowing that Irene know me well "Fine. I don't want to go back because Yeji might steal Lisa, she's a hoe. I still can't get over on what they did at Hawaii- she fucking kiss my Lisa"

Just remembering the ugly scenario makes my blood boil, like how fucking dare she is to get a kiss? And Lisa didn't even flinch, she didn't even push her away. But the moment we got here in New Zealand my innocent Lisa explained everything.

She told me that Yeji wants to end her feelings and keep it to herself so she ask Lisa for a kiss which she agreed to. But my fucking jealous self think the other way that made me furious, all I have in mind is how to make Lisa mine- exclusively for me.

That's the moment I planned to take her to New Zealand, so I ordered my men to pick us up. Lisa have a confuse look in her eyes but I never gave her a chance to ask. The moment we step in my private island, I told her to stay since I'll go back to Hawaii.

Lisa complain to me as to why I'll leave her behind but the devil in me don't let her speak, her tongue was tied into knots.


"Wife why would you let me stay here??? Can't you be with me?" she pout.

I want to kiss her lips badly.

"I can't be with you now honey, I'll go back promise. Just behave, once I settled everything we'll be together" I cup her cheeks.

"I'll miss you" she hug me.

"Awweee my big baby honey" I rub her back "Don't worry, I'll visit you often so you won't miss my presence"

She break the hug "Really?!? Where's my goodbye kiss then?"

I chuckled "Hmmmm you're being greedy now"

"You're gonna leave me in this big mansion with those people, so I won't ask for more. Your kiss is enough"

To shut her up, I collide our lips together. Her hands snake on my waist pulling me closer to her, she really taste like strawberries or something sweet like candy.

We start to make out not minding if my servants see us, all I have in mind is this moment with Lisa. We don't always do this so it's perfect to grab the opportunity.

I didn't know how long we did that, we broke the kiss as we both catch our breath.

"How about that? Is it already okay?" I ask.

She pout "Not enough. What if you stay with me?"

"I want your idea but honey...... I have to go back and do something important. I'll be quick"

"Be quick wife. I don't want to stay here long if I'm without you"

Hmmm sweet.

I peck her lips "I'll be quick"

After talking to her, I gathered everyone in the balcony to say important matters. I don't want them to take advantage while I'm away, so I gave my dangerous look and authoritive voice.

"If ever one of you disobey my orders, you know what will happen. Understood???"

"Y-Yes ma'am" they said in unison.

"Good. I want you to serve Lisa like a king, don't let her get bruises or any scratch on her body. Anyone who talks bad on her will get a punishment, if she ask for something do it right away- don't let her wait. If I heard any mistreatment or any mishandling- only God knows. Do your work properly" I paused "And before I forgot......don't tryna seduce Lisa. I'll cut your head off"

"Y-Yes ma'am"


I instantly smile the moment I saw her, she was holding a flower.

"I saw it on your garden, it looks pretty so I pick it. For you"

"Thank you honey!" I smell the flower.

"Be safe on your flight"

"Yeah honey" I kiss her one last time "I'm leaving now. Don't ever try to replace me"

"What?!?" she chuckled "You'll be the only one in my whole life Jennie. You're irreplaceable"

I gave her my gummy smile as I pinch her cheeks "I'm going then. I'll miss you"

Although it's heavy in my heart to leave her behind, it's a must.

I'll be back honey.

End of flashback

"Jen, once Yeji knows you're married to Lisa she won't disturb you anymore. She's not that bad"

"I don't think so unnie, Yeji loves her to the bone. It's hard to bury feelings"

"You sound jealous hahahahahaha"

"Because I really am jealous. What if we go back to Korea then Yeji would steal her from me? That's another fuss" there's bitterness in my voice.

"Jennie that's absurd. Yeji is a good person...she'll soon understand and accept the truth. Sure thing she'll get hurt but time will probably heal all wounds. Did you know Ryujin and her didn't work out? I kinda feel bad for Ryujin. She stayed with her but our hearts couldn't learn to love another person when we're still inlove"

I sigh "Unnie I can't shrugged my bad thoughts. It's like I'm bothered by the people surrounding us. I can't lose Lisa. She's mine"

"She's already yours Jennie. From the very start, you already own Lisa- she already gave you her whole being so stop being paranoid"

I chuckled "I really don't know why I'm afraid. The moment I met Lisa, everything starts to change. She slowly change me. She gave things that money can't buy, she showed me the happiness I've been waiting"

"She's your ball of sunshine dear Jen, don't break her heart again. Trust her because she trust you more than anybody else"

"Thanks for listening to me unnie"

"You're always welcome. I'll hang up now, Seulgi is nagging nonstop since I didn't cook for her hahahaha bye Jen, take care. Tell Lisa I said hi"

"You too unnie, take care. I'll tell Lisa, bye"

The call ended.

I put my phone down on the table then walk on the balcony, watching the sun set lighting the beauty of the ocean. The cool breeze sway my hair, making me shake a little bit.

Birds flew freely in the clear blue sky.

Then a loving hands safely wrap me in an embrace, I don't have to look back to know who it is. She smell my hair then gently kiss it, I won't ask for anything else than my Lisa to be on my side til the end of time.

"You look stress out wife, what bothers you?"

"Lisa, you love me isn't it?"

"What kind of question is that?"

I pinch her hand "Just answer!"

"Okay chill. I love you very much Jennie Kim Manoban, I only see my future with you. Nobody else. I would rather die than not having you as my wife"

"So sweet"

She exactly said I want to hear, I remove her hands on my waist and face her.

Her smile was so genuine, her loving eyes stares deep into mine saying that every word she said was true.

"Then why don't you want to make love with me???" I said in a baby voice.

Lisa refrain herself from smiling "Don't use that tone wife, it's makes me weak" her cheeks blush.

"Answer me honey hmmmppp"

"It's not that I don't want it. I'm not yet ready wife, I know I've waited long for this to happen but now that it came true.....I suddenly felt scared hahahaha"

"Why would you feel scared?" I hold her hand and play her long fingers.

"I'm scared to hurt you and I know you're expecting much from me" she look down.

"Honey, you're not gonna hurt me. Don't overthink, whatever you do i'll probably love it because I love you"

Her eyes lit up "Please say it again"

I giggled "I love you Lisa. I really do love you"

She carried me that made me squeal "I love you too Jennie! I love you my wife!"

I kiss her forehead, her eyes, her cute nose, her cheeks then I look on her lips.

"This are all mine Lisa. Especially this one" I kiss her on the lips.

She responded right away on my kiss, I know she smiled. I wrap my legs around her waist.

This is my home, she is my home. Because my once annoyingly cute stupid worker became my annoyingly cute husband.

Lalisa Manoban. You made me realize that life is wonderful when I'm with you, I'm so lucky.

You're annoyingly cute.

I break the kiss "Are you ready hon?"

"Ready for what?"

"Ready for love"

The end!!!!

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