Chapter 9

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Jisoo's POV

I can't understand Jennie today, she was unpredictable.

"Don't you pity her chasing you?"

"I don't"

"Jennieeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! My wifeeeeeeee!!!!" she keep on screaming.

"Jennie please let her come with us pleasseee?" Rosé gave her most pitiful look.


The car keeps on moving and Lisa's voice slowly fades as the distance went far.

"I think she lost track of us" I worriedly look back not seeing any trace of Lisa.

"Then that's good news, I dispatch some annoying kid"

"Don't you think what you did was too harsh?" Chaeng ask.

She chuckled "Why would I still think of that? It's not like I truly care about her duh"

"You're horrible Jen" I commented.

"I'm just being real Chu"

We arrived at the mall, there's lot of people but it's more favorable to our side. In that way paparazzi wouldn't notice our presence.

"I'm going to my favorite shop, Chanel. So if you wanna find me, just go there"

"I thought we were shopping together?" I face her.

"Okay, we should go first to Chanel"

She's so bossy, I couldn't fight her back since I know I won't ever win.


"Can we buy food before going there? Please?" Rosé plead.

Jennie rolled her eyes "Okay where do you wanna buy food? Jisoo's treat"

"Why me?"

"Who else would? Am I her girlfriend?" she crossed her arms.

She really have the attitude of a two horned demon dig in the deepest depth of the earth.

"Stop giving me that look Chu or I'll take your eyeballs out"

"Stop giving me that look nenenenenene" I mimic her and stick my tongue out.

"I want to eat anything!" Rosè cheerfully said.

People look at us but shrugged it off, they don't know us that too well.

"Okay but please don't eat the candles just because they smell good" Jennie warned.

Yeah, Rosé literally eat anything. From papers to candles, from spicy to sweetest food she'll ever taste. She have a big appetite.

"Sorry I thought it was a candy" she gave us a peace sign.

"Alright lezgo" I intertwined our hands.

Jennie look at me and Chaeng's hand, she look away when she notice I'm looking at her.

"Order anything you want baby, I got you" ofcourse I should satisfy my baby chipmunk so she'll love me more.

"Yeeeyyyy" she drag me to a fast-food chain.

"McDonald's? Again?"

"Yes, I like their burger, fries and float here" she excitedly wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'll order it now, you want to add anything?"

"Nope, we'll buy food on other stall later" I think she just got started.

We went to the cashier together, Jennie was behind us observing the people dining in.

"How about you insolent brat? What you want?"

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