Chapter 33

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Yeji's POV

Lisa was with me, I'm genuinely happy that Jennie's not around to guard her.


We both stop as she face me.


"Uhmm I.." I don't know how to put it in words anymore.

I don't know if it's the effect of alcohol but I had the urge to kiss her which I did. She didn't moved. I continued kissing her.

Even if I know the feeling isn't mutual, I wanted to feel her lips on mine for the last time.

My tears try to escape but I didn't let it fall, as if Lisa felt my sadness she kiss me back. She respond.

I break the kiss "I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry yeddeong. Thank you"

Her words made my tears fall, I love you Lisa. But I think I should let go and start with someone new who truly loves me.

Although it would be very hard I'll try. To forget the memories we shared, the kiss we did and the jokes we used to laugh at.

She hug me tight-she's so warm that I remembered how my blanket kept me in my bed.

I face her again "Be happy"

"I will yeddeong" her thumb wipe my tears then kiss my forehead "You too, be happy"

"What's the meaning of this??!?!?" we were interrupted by no other than Jennie fucking mad Kim.

"W-Wife i-it's n-not w-what.."

"It is what I think! You fucking hoe!" she grab a fistful of my hair and drag me down.

"Awww J-Jen!"

"Wife stop. S-She didn't d-do anything wro-.."

"Oh really Lisa? Did you think I'm blind? I saw you two kissing! You fucking cheater!" she slap her hard across her cheek.

"Jen enough!"

"Enough? You fucking whore! You know Lisa is mine yet you keep on stealing her away from me!"

"You're so fucking childish!" I stood up and slap her.

"Did you just...slap me?" she scoff.


"I'm only fucking gone for a few minutes and this..." she point me but her eyes was on Lisa "You're kissing her? Your audacity Lisa to stab me in the back"

"W-Wife l-listen m-me and y-yeddeong are.."

"So now back to that fucking bullshit nickname. Are you testing me Manoban?!? Stupid!" she slap Lisa again. This time harder.

"W-Wife" Lisa kneel down "I p-promise there's n-no m-meaning behind t-that kiss"

Jennie glared at me and took a step forward "You tried to seduce her isn't it?"

"No. I'm trying to end things"

"Oh end things? Does kissing someone a part of ending things? Wow Yeji, that's another level of itch. Why don't you tell it straightly that you want Lisa to fuck you"

I slap her "That's too much Jen. Do you really think of me like that?"

"What if I said yes?"

I clench my fist "You never see me as your friend"

"I never include you as my friend"

I fake chuckled "Is it because of Tae? Can't you forget that?"

"Never Yeji. NEVER"

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