Chapter 30

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Yeji's POV

I've been receiving texts from Jisoo about Lisa, thanks god she's doing fine while she's with Jennie. I don't have any problem aside from the latter hurting my Lili, it hurts seeing her cry.

"Hi babe, you're in deep thought. I've been trying to catch your attention but your mind was out wandering in the sky hahahahaha" Ryujin didn't left me.

Instead she stayed with me while all I do is pushing her away, saying mean things so she can stop but this girl doesn't care at all. She would laugh at it and it would look normal but it isn't.

"Don't call me babe, we're not together"

"I'll call you whatever I want, you're my girl"

She's so persistent. She's not like Lisa who easily obeys, who put my opinion first before her. Ryujin won't ever surpass Lisa.

"Tsk. I don't like people who aren't obedient, silly and lastly stubborn" I rolled my eyes.

"What a shame! I have that all hahahahaha kidding. I can change for you my love" then she wink at me.

"Ryujin how many times I told you I'm not interested, not even a bit. What happened is nothing. Please, I don't want to hurt"

"Why won't you let me love you? I'm not forcing you to reciprocate what I feel...just..just let me love you"

"You're so persistent! I don't like you! I don't give a damn about your stupid feelings towards me"

She gave me a liptight smile "I know. But it's my decision to stay with you. I don't care about the outcome of it....all I know is I'm sure about choosing to love you for a lifetime"

My heart aches of what she said. It's how I felt towards Lisa- being confident that she's the one for me. Everytime I close my eyes, it's her face that comes first. Every single thing I want to do in the future-she's included.

"Ryujin. Just......give up" I sigh.

She hold my hand, it isn't as warm as Lisa's.

"I won' that. I'm staying. I know I have a purpose in your life that's why fate let us meet each other, if you're not going to end up with me then I pray that you end up with a person who love you until god takes their breath away"

I look at her, she's sad. Her eyes says it all but her smile hide the sadness.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. I'm here to be your friend. I won't ask for more"

She's so kind after all I've said.

"Thank you" I mumbled.

Before she could speak my phone rings at the kitchen, I hurriedly check on it hoping it'll be Lisa.

Jisoo calling...


"Hey yeddeong! I'll tell you something" her voice seems excited.

"What is it?"

"We're going on a trip to Hawaii, all of our friends are invited. We're gonna meet grandma" she squeeled.

A trip to Hawaii? It's my chance to see Lili again.

"Really? When?"

"This weekend. I don't know how many days we'll stay there just pack your stuffs and be ready. Grandma arrange some activities for us while we're staying, that would be fun"

"Yeah. It'll be fun" even if it's not since I know Jennie would guard Lisa.

"Don't worry about Lisa, I got her. In case things fuck up atleast we can be her acting superheroes hahahaha"

I wish it's that easy. That when Lisa is being hurt by Jennie, I would butt in and drag her away from that bitch. But the spotlight to Lisa's heart belongs to Jennie, no matter what I do she'd end up choosing her.

"Silly, so everyone would be there. Let's have some fun then hahaha" I fake a laugh.

"Yup. I already informed the others, even Lisa's friends will join too"

Shit. That means Ryujin would also go.


"I said Lisa's friends will join us too"

I act like I'm dumb "Ah...that's g-great"

"Anyway I need to hung up now, it's our lovey dovey time hehehe bye"

"Okay. Bye"

I end the call.

Ryujin was looking at me intently with a smug smile on her face.


"You're so pretty"

I chuckled "You've been staring at me. Ofcourse I'm pretty"

"So confident. I like that"

I didn't dare to answer her, I mean it's not that I don't like talking to her. It's just that I'm making her hope just because I'm being nice.

"So who called? Is it Lisa?"

"None of your business. You should go home, it's late"

"Hmmm okay. It seems like I'm really unwanted here" she chuckled "Bye babe, see you on my next life hahahaha kidding"

I ignored what she said, I accompany her through my door.

She face me once more as she walks out "Take care yeddeong, I hope I'll see you again"

You'll definitely see me again.


She steal a kiss on my cheek then run away, I'm too stunned of what happened. My brain isn't functioning. That was so random.

"She's something tsk"

I closed the door and lay on my bed, what would I bring? My heart or my brain?

Ryujin's POV

Her reaction is so cute! How can she imitate light fury? My girl is the cutest.

"What's with that smile huh? Guys I think Ryujin is hiding something"

"Omo. Is that a smile of victory? I only see that when you scored over a girl, so who did you fuck this time?" Yuna teases me.

God I swear I'm gonna staple her mouth "Shut up. Just because I'm smiling I already fuck someone? Fuck off ladies hahaha"

"Then it's not a fuck buddy"

They all look at each other then grin, their heads slowly turns towards me.

"Does that mean you're dating someone? Holy shit prepare the Bible, someone's getting married hahahaha" Chaeryeong laugh loud.

"I'll be your godmother" Chaeyoung said.

"You can't be their godmother, you're height suits more on flower girl hahahahahaha" Lia tease.

"You're also small, so you'll be a flower girl too" Byul butt in.

"Shut the fuck up guys. I'm telling you it's not what you think it is"

They won't stop til I drop something, but how can I share it? Once they knew whom I like, they'll say it's complicated.

"Look who's keeping a secret. Come on dude, we're your friends"

"It's.....complicated" I mumbled.

"How complicated it is? Is it like a math problem? If it is, I'm out" Lia chuckled.

"Will you keep it a secret? I don't like other people wanna know about it" I sigh.

They gave me an assuring smile.

Byul tap my shoulder "Go ahead, your secret is safe with us"

They all sit on the couch, Yuna hold my hand.

"Uhm....I l-like Y-Yeji" I stutter.

"Oh shit that's a lot of damage" Chaeyoung made a face.

"Did you know that Yeji likes-..."

"I know" I sigh "You know, it just happened. I woke up and I fell inlove with her, though something happened between us she said it's a mistake. Hahaha what a shame"

Chaeryeong gasp "You mean you had sex?!?"

"Please don't tell anyone, promise me you'll never tell it to anybody. She'll gonna hate me more if she found out" I plead.

"Mouth zip, cross my heart" Lia pouted.

"So what's your plan?"

"I....personally don't know. The girl I like was inlove with someone else. It'll be hard for me to gain her"

"Don't lose hope Jin, who knows if you'll end up together. Lisa was inlove with Jennie, she might neglect Yeji. In that case, you'll be her knight and shining armor"

I chuckled on what Byul said "Maybe"

"Everything will be fine, if not we will be here comforting you. So you in for bar hopping? Hahahaha"

"Sure why not"

"Yes! Gonna see some sexy ladies!"

"Does Mina know everything you're doing?"

Chae suddenly gets serious "Stop mentioning her, we already broke up"

"What? When?!? You idiot why didn't you tell us. What's the reason???"

"She's.....getting married"

Oh shit, is this the most unlucky group in the world? First me, then now Chae. Who else have a problem here?

"Married to who?"

"Jin. Kim Seok-Jin" she bitterly chuckled "It's funny"

"Awww our baby beast" Yuna hug her.

"I'm not that rich like that guy, what's the point of getting her back if she herself already surrendered"

"We really need to wind up at the bar, I'll text Jeongyeon we'll come over" Byul brought out her phone.

We were all problematic, how pathetic life is.

Taehyung's POV

"Dude I think this is my time" I chuckled "Grandma wants to see me"

Felix gave me a confuse look "Huh? Care to explain?"

"I'm going to Hawaii, I'm gonna meet Jennie's grandma since she invited me. She said she already miss me"

"You're close with her granny?"

"Yup. Guess what, granny wants me to be with Jennie"

"Does she know how bad you are? Hahahaha guess not hahahaha"

I smack his head "Ofcourse she don't know, all she see is me being good to everyone else. She's more strict than Jennie's parents, so I know Lisa will fail to gain her trust"

"You can't be unsure of that. Remember how she persuade Jennie's parents? Damn boy, she has some serious charms"

I balled my fist "She can't do that with granny"

"Tsk. Can I come too? I heard women are liberated there, wanna grab some asses" he chuckled.

"Can you clean that head of yours, you'll soon meet someone who can make you shut up"

"That'll happen the day I'll die hahahaha"

"I'll wear red in your funeral" I chuckled.

He hit me "You're so bad, so can I come???"

"Nope. Only a close friend of Jennie will come, I'm sure Lisa will face her great embarrassment her whole life" I smirk.

Felix grab the glass of whiskey "Should I throw a party for that?"

"No need, I'm going to throw the grandest wedding if that happens. Me and Jennie's wedding"

"Hahaha that's lot of confidence, don't forget about me when that day comes. I'll rock ladies mind just by showing my face to them"

Sure he'll Felix was cocky as ever.

"Grow up dude. Not anyone wants to be fuck by you"

"Oh really. You're testing me huh, even if you bet a million dollar I'll win"

"Whatever" I shrugged "I'll focus on my goal. Make Jennie mine"

"Manifesting for that to happen" he chuckled "cheers?"

Our glass clank as it hit each other, it was a fun night talking with him.

Lisa's POV

I'm nervous, not because I'm facing Jennie's parents but because of the fact that I'm going to meet her grandma on Hawaii.

Jisoo and I had a small talk earlier after dinner, she remind me that if Jennie tries to hurt me I should dump her already. Everybody knows how toxic she is but I only turned a blind eye towards the issue, well I love her what else I can do.

She also said I should be careful when we get to meet their grandma, she's meticulous and picky. I don't meet her standards, it would be hard for me to gain her trust since Jisoo said......she like Taehyung for Jennie. Knowing something like that scare the hell out of me. What if she dislikes me until the end? What if she takes away Jennie? What if she.....don't like me at all?

"You look terrible hahahahaha" dad laugh "Are you nervous? Chill kid, we ain't gonna eat you"

"I'm f-fine...s-sir"

"She's really nervous hahahahaha she even called me sir"

"is everything alright honey?" Jennie rub my thigh.

"Y-Yeah....I j-just..I n-need to go t-to the c-comfort room"

I went alone and face the mirror, I open the faucet and splash some water on my face.

"Shit" I mumbled.

My face is turning red and my heart is beating faster.

The door suddenly open revealing Jennie with a concern look "Honey"

She approach me and gave me a tender kiss on my lips.

"W-Wife...I'm s-scared...what if I won't go with you in Hawaii?"

Her gaze shifted into a deadly stare "You're kidding right?"

Although I'm scared to answer I did "N-No"

"Fuck you Manoban, you're going to meet Jesus if you won't go with us"

"But w-wife.."

"What's wrong with you? Since you talk to Jisoo a while ago you're acting strange, what did she say?"

I can't look at her in the eye "Uhh n-nothing"

"Tell it to me now!" she's being impatient.

"She said your grandma likes Taehyung for you and...I f-feel pressured" I sigh.

"Oh come on honey, you're stressing over something that isn't necessary" she caress my cheek "My honey is so cute when stress out"

Her giggles made me more relax.

"Mmmm stop teasing me"

"Hahahaha I didn't do anything yet"

"But you're giggling"

"It's because I found you cute"

I kiss her lips that made her smile, I push her til her back hit the wall. My hands lift her thigh to my waist. We were sharing a heated kiss when someone interrupt us.

"Holy shit!" Jisoo blurted "Go get a room my god! Can you keep those hormones down?"

"Why? What happened?" I heard Chaeng's innocent voice.

"This is my parents' house, I can literally do what I want"

"Well I don't care, just fucking keep your hands to yourself. I don't like to see people fucking each other, my gosh you're painful to my eyes!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"Oohh so there's some make out session here, gotta go to the other comfort room bye" Chaeng wave her hand.

Jennie giggled on what Rosé said, Jisoo on other hand look at me with disapproval. It's like she's sending signals at me.

"Let's go honey" Jennie grab my arm and lead the way dragging me outside.

"Are we going to stay here?" I ask.

"Nope. We're going home, I think it's already late so we need to bid goodbye to them"

"Okay wife"

Her gummy smile made me feel happy.

We went back to the living room where her parents is, they were busy playing a board game called chess. I'm out of it, I don't even know how to play that thing.

"Mom, dad, we're going now. See you tomorrow for our flight"

"That fast? Come on sweetie, sleep here"

"No. We need to pack our things" Jennie replied.

"Just buy some clothes on Hawaii, I bet your grandma set aside your things there"

"But those were already old dad. I'm the human Chanel. Fashion is my delicacy in life"

I can't blame my wife for saying that, she have this body like aphrodite. It was her asset that could make every man and woman fall on their knees-that includes me.

"Hmmm okay. Be careful on your way home"

Dad gave him a kiss on her forehead while her mom hug her. She has a nice parents, wish I also have that kind of relationship but I'm already an orphan.

"You going already? We're gonna leave too" Jisoo pop out of nowhere.

"Yeah. My wife needs some beauty rest" I chuckled.

"Let me rephrase that. It was a demonic rest"

Dad chuckled upon hearing that "You sound like you have a grudge towards Jennie, are you two in a fight?"

"Ask her not me" Jennie mumbled.

"Let's skip that Dad, if you still like Jennie to be your'd better shut your mouth hahahahaha" Rosé laugh hard.

"Jennie was your only cousin, sorry for her behaviour" dad tap Jisoo's shoulder.

"Yeah. As if I had a choice, if I can only replace her I already did. But fuck I can't tsk"

"We're mutual. I dislike you" Jennie spat.

When will this two stop from fighting?

"Go ahead already before anything else happen between this two raging small kids"

Me, Rosé and dad laugh loudly on what mom said.

The two glared at her.

"Uh uh, don't give me those looks I might be the one killing you"

Jennie rolled her eyes while the latter turn the other way.

"Let's go honey"

She grab my hand and intertwine it to her, is this what they call PDA. Kidding.

"Next time don't listen on whatever Chu will tell you. She's a bad influence"

"How come she became a bad influence? She only tell facts"

Jennie halt and face me "So you're saying I'm the liar here"


She's really bipolar.

"You ruin my night" after saying that she turn her back on me and quickly went inside the car.

I followed her immediately. Upon entering, the silence made it more difficult for me to comprehend what did I said wrong. The car start to drive.


"Shut up. I don't want to hear anything from you"

I look down, pouting my lips while playing my fingers.

She's difficult to understand, I thought she's easy like an open book but everytime I tried to read her she would close as hard as a clam.

Maybe my efforts isn't too charming for her. It's always the opposite she sees in me, she's not happy when I listen to people's thoughts.

After half an hour, we finally arrived at her house. I quickly get out to open her door for her but she was fast enough to get out on her own. She look me deadly in the eye before leaving me behind.

"Goodevening miss" the maids said in unison.

"Goodevening" I replied.

My eyes follow Jennie as she walk upstairs, the moment she was on her room she slam the door closed. I guess I'll sleep on one of the guess rooms tonight but I need to change my clothes, how will I do that if my clothes are in my wife's room.

"Did you two had a fight?" Joy speak which surprise me.

"Y-Yeah sort of"

"Aish Jennie is really a brat hahaha, goodluck with that" she left me alone.

I sigh as I walk up the stairs, should I knock? I twist the knob and I'm surprise that it's open.

"Wife?" I peek inside.

It's dim inside, maybe she's already laying in bed. I tiptoe not knowing that she was standing near the door waiting for me to come in, I was startled when she throw the pillow and blanket towards me.

"Sleep on the couch"



"I'll j-just g-get some c-clothes.."

"No! Get out!" she push me til I got outside.

She slam the door shut. I guess I really am fated to sleep on the couch tonight, I hope Jennie would forgive me soon so I won't be staying there for too long. I mean I don't have any complain aside from the couch is too small for me, it's hard to fit myself.

I would wake up having a body ache, imagine sleeping for how many hours in a small couch while you curl like a cocoon. That's really a nightmare.

I place the pillow on my little bed at the living room, the maids look at me. They're whispering something to each other.

"Goodnight miss" they said.

"Goodnight" I mumbled.

Wish it was really a goodnight, I spread the blanket over my body hoping that mosquitos won't bite me while I'm asleep.

"Goodnight Nini" I whispered as I close my eyes.

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