Chapter 31

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Jennie's POV

"Hello grandma" I kiss her on her cheek.

She hug me tightly in return.

"I miss you my little Jenduekie"

I rolled my eyes at her, she really still call me like that. I'm not a kid anymore.

"How about me granny?" Jisoo pouted.

"Hahahaha silly, ofcourse I miss you too. Come here you pretty young lady"

They hug like they've never seen each other for almost a decade.

"Oh who is this pretty lady over here. Hmmm let me guess, she's Chaeng your girlfriend?"

"She is granny, you never miss to joke around hahaha"

"Kidding. Chaeng looks more lovely my dear"

Rosé went to her "I miss you mommy"

Yeah, Chaeng call her mommy because it was her request.

"Where's your parents? I don't see them"

"They have business trips, so they won't come" I replied.

"How about your friends?"

"They straightly went on the villa. They're too tired at our flight, tomorrow you'll meet them granny" Jisoo smiled widely.

Granny nod.

"Wife here's your phone" Lisa hand it to me.

Just as I expected, granny gave a questioning look. She look at Lisa up and down that made the latter hide behind me as she notice she was being stared at.

"Thank you honey"

"Who is she?!?" her voice raised.

They all stared at me specially Jisoo who's waiting patiently for my answer.

I don't know what me and Lisa have in between, I want her on my own. I don't want to get committed yet but I want to be territorial over her. I composed myself and show my tough demeanor.

"She' friend"

"Friend? I don't think so" Jisoo chuckled.

Chaeng giggled "Friend with benefits" she mumbled.

Grandma look at Lisa like she's some kind of ex-convict that would bring bad luck to my life.

"She's your friend. Why did she go along with you? Aren't she tired?"

Oh now here's the interrogation. But before I can answer someone walk in.

"Hello grandma, food is ready. Oh hey guys I'm glad you're here"

What the fuck is he doing here???

"Hi Tae! You came here ahead of us, what a rush eh" Chaeng respond with a smile.

"Grandma invite me over so I didn't waste my chance to see her. Come, I already cook for all of us. Where's the others? Aren't they coming here?"

"They're too tired. They ate on the private plane anyway, so don't you worry they won't get hungry at the middle of the night. But me, I'm hungry"

"Here she goes again" Jisoo make a face while looking at her girlfriend.

"Lisa" Tae smiled "It's nice you came here. Can't wait to share some fun with you"

Lisa on other hand look at him dumbfounded.

"No worries, I don't have any plan on hurting you"

"I'm not worried"

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