Chapter 6

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Jennie's POV

I'm still waiting infront of where Yeji's condo unit is, it's already 12 and I don't know why I give a damn about that short haired stupid girl.

"Ugh I've been waiting for about 2 hours, what are you doing Jennie?!?" I groan while pulling my hair.

It's kinda cold but I don't have any other choice but to wait.

"Five more minutes" I talk to myself.

I tie my hair for the mean time while I entertain myself watching some movie on my phone.

After around 2 minutes a car stop not far from where I park my car. A girl went out and open the passengers side I recognize her, she's the owner of the bar we went to.

"Wow didn't think you're staying in this building, you drink too much gosh" she brought out someone which is ofcourse the stupid girl I'm waiting for.

"ahhh t-this" she point the building "is my..m-my ....m-my w-wife's con...condo" she chuckled "I m-mean...w-where m-my w-wife's condo i-is"

The girl barely carry her "You're so heavy!"

Lisa is getting something from her pocket.

"L-look Shrek, s-she's t-texting me" Lisa tried to walk but fell miserably "Wifeeeeeee I'm comingggggg" her voice was a little husky.

"Aish it seems like you can't even walk anymore, how will I handle this? They're all drunk" she had hard time deciding what to do.

My feet has a mind on their own making my way into them, I wore my sunglasses and black mask. I hope she won't recognize me.

"Hello there" I greet.


"I'll handle her, you can go now" I command.

"She's not yet on her condo, I mean to her alleged wife's condo. So why should I trust a stranger" she's getting on my nerves.

"I'm her wife" I kneel down on the level of Lisa "Lisa honey wake up" I tap her cheeks gently.

"Jagiya" she open her eyes "Jagiyaaaaa" she pulled me into a hug "I miss youuuuu, did you miss me?"

She's literally drunk. I glance at Jeongyeon, I observe that she's also in the influence of alcohol but not as much as Lisa.

"Can you stand up? You're heavy" I complained while assisting her.

"Alright take care of that small kid, we'll be going Ms???"

"J" I replied.

"Okay Ms J, take care of her because I have to take care of seven more" she wave her hand.

I snob her and assist Lisa, she was wasted as hell. How many bottles had she drink?

"Jagiyaaaaa" she called out the moment she stand up "Why are you wearing a mask? Is my wife sick???"

She cup my face, I didn't know why I'm letting this moron touch me like this.

"Do you have a cold? You want me to warm you?" she smiled at me with eyes closed.

I push her that made her lie on the ground.

"Oh gosh sorry" I immediately went beside her.

"Jagiyaaaa, I want to warm you in bed so that you won't get a cold" she pout, so cute.

Ugh no Jennie, you're not affected by this monkey face moron.

"Your mind is so dirty" I scold.

"Why? You don't like cuddles? I like cuddles, I mean.... I love cuddles but I'd love to do it with you" she said in a cute voice.

She's annoyingly cuteWhere stories live. Discover now