Chapter 16

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Nancy's POV

I didn't know that girl is here, she's still cute and irresistible.

I'll tell dad about her, I want her.

If Jennie fucking Kim didn't showed up maybe I'm still having fun with that cutie.

"Hello dad!"

I kiss him on the cheek.

"Hello darling, you look cheerful. Did anything good happen?" he ask.

My dad supports me at everything I do, he gives me everything I want.

I'm a daddy's girl, a spoiled brat.

"I met the girl I like, she's here"

He chuckled "Oh the one you made fun of? Where is she?"

I groaned "Kim took her away from me tsk"

Upon saying that my dad cough "Kim?"

"Yeah, one and only Jennie Kim" I want to spit on her.

I don't fucking care whoever she is, all I want is my daddy back. This time I want to make something wild, something I want to do badly with her.

"Princess, we need to back out" my dad stood up on his seat.

I creased my brows at him.

"What? Back out? Dad!" I whisper yelled.

"You fuck up big this time Nancy! We're doomed!" it's my first time seeing my dad this angry at me.

"What did I do? It's not like.."

I didn't finish what I said when the huge screen infront starts to play a video.

A video of me while being fuck by Mr. Lee's son, Felix.

"Faster! Aahhhh! I'm gonna cum baby!" my horny voice was so loud that it echoed through the entire place.

"Oh god is that Nancy Mcdonie?"

"A scandal!"

"Oh my eyes isn't innocent anymore"

Some bring out their phone and start taking a video.

"She have nice pair of boobs" a guy chuckled while nudging his seatmate.

"Stop that!!! Who the hell played that video?!?" I fucking want to kill that person.

Everyone gave me a disgusted look while whispering.

"I didn't know she's this bad, I only heard rumors but now I believe it's true"

"Yeah, how can she be this decent when inside she's a whore"

Girls talk like I'm not there.

"Shut the fuck up!" I push one of them.

Their attention get back on the screen when it played another video.

Breaking news: Mr. Richard Jowel Mcdonie is now facing controversies about assaulting some of his employees. The victims filed a complaint a few minutes ago on the court of justice asking for right and just penalty for his rude behaviour. In addition with that, he will also face charges regarding of spending a huge amount of money in the casino that result in the bankruptcy of his company. The police already release a warrant of arrest indicating that any moment they are ready to arrest Mr. Mcdonie. I'm Miss Rasha Tetsuya reporting, stay tuned for more updates.

The news end.

I'm shock of what's happening, why does I feel like all the misfortune in the world happened to us in one night.

"Who the fuck is doing this?!? Coward!" I shouted.

I don't fucking care about the people surrounding us.

"Nancy! Lets go! You're adding more shame" my dad shouted at me.

"I don't give a fuck dad, whoever that person humiliating us in secret will surely get a beating from me. Now get the fuck out you culprit!"

"What's the matter Mcdonie?" there she is with that evil smirk.


She was standing on the stage "Surprise?"


"Sorry but I don't fuck my mom"

Her mom showed up "Jennie watch your mouth"

"Mom I can't watch my mouth if I don't have a mirror with me"

Her mom glared at her.

"Okay sorry for cursing, she started it first" she crossed her arms.

"What? Started it first? I didn't do anything to you in the first place" I whined.

"Nancy lets go!" Dad call out.

"I'm not yet done here!" I replied back.

He balled his fist "If you won't go, I'm leaving"

"You'll leave me alone?!?"

"Sorry Mr. Mcdonie but you're not going anywhere" Jennie smirk.

"That's my princess!" Mr. Kim praise his daughter "Didn't know that your dick would still twitch after fucking a lot of whore Richard"

This family fued started a year ago, we all know that we lose this battle because the Kim are the most successful established company not only on South Korea.

"Shut the fuck up Seo-joon, you know nothing"

"Oh, so I'm the one who don't know. Game over Richard, you're already caught"

"If your daughter didn't touch what's mine, this never happened" Jennie interfere.

"Touch what's yours?!? You don't own everything!" I yelled at her.

"Eew gross, your saliva is scattered everywhere" she insulted.

I groaned "You bitch!"

"Ssshhh. I can literally own everything. Even you but....sorry not sorry, I don't keep trash with me"

"You son of a bitch!"

"Correction. Daughter of a very expensive and meticulous bitch"

Everyone around chuckled on her remark.

"Nancy! Apologize now"

"I won't ever do that!"

"Goddamn hard headed you are!" dad approach Jennie and kneel "Ms. Jennie, please give us a second chance"

"Hmmmmm okay"

Me and my dad was surprise as she easily said okay.

"But there are conditions"

Shit. This bitch is playing dirty.

"W-What is it?"

"I'll let you know Mr. Mcdonie, for now I want to enjoy the night"

I balled my fist "Bitch" I mumbled.

"Don't talk ill towards me Nancy. If I were you, the best way to please me is to shut that mouth"

My dad grip my arm "S-Sorry m-miss Kim"

"Apology accepted"

This whole goddamn night is absolutely ruined, I thought it would be my game. But now I'm being played.

Jennie signaled her men, they escorted us into a private room.

Fuck you Jennie. Fuck you.

Lisa's POV


I can't take my eyes over Jennie, she's beyond perfection.

I think Jennie is God's favorite because he gave everything to her, she has a nice figure, an angelic face, a great family, a huge fortune but less the attitude.

"Quit staring at her, she might melt" Jisoo nudge me.

"I won't get bored just by looking at my wife all day long ehe"

"So cheesy"

We are currently viewing the free live show of Jennie and that lunatic girl.

"I heard that girl kiss you before beating you up, is it true?" Chaeng ask while eating.

"W-Who told you?"


I sigh "Yes she did"

"Lili!" Yeji engulf me with her tight hug "I miss you cutie"

I smiled "Awweee so sweet yeddeong"

"Can I borrow her for few minutes? Hehehehe" she ask Jisoo and Chaeng.

"If it's us, you can take her wherever you want to need to tell it to her wife" Jisoo gave her a liptight smile.

"Jennie is not her wife tsk"

"She's my wife, yeddeong" I whined.

"She's not" she stick out her tongue.

I crossed my arms "She's my wife!"

"Okay chill daddy I'm kidding" she chuckled.

Someone cleared her throat "Honey come here"

I immediately obliged to her.

"Don't leave my side if I didn't tell you, I don't want you to get out of my sight. Do you understand?" Jennie is so scary.

"Y-Yes wife hehe"

She face yeddeong "She's staying at my side, call another person to accompany you"

"I'm not going to take her away Jennie, I'm only aski-.."

"What I said is what I said, I don't have to repeat it"

Yeji bite her lower lip "Tsk fine" she look at me "See ya around Lili" her smile was contagious that I also smiled.

"Yeah see ya around yeddeong"

She walk away.

"Oh so you're smiling at other girls now?" she glare at me "aside from me"

"Jennie I..."

"Now we are on the first name basis? What happened to my wife?"

"I see someone's jello" Jichu chuckled.

"Shut up if you don't want to become a Jelly ace"

"Chill, I don't want to be a Jichu ace" Jisoo hide behind Chaeng.

Jennie face me again "What? Can't speak?"

"W-Wife hehehehe. Don't g-get m-mad at m-.."

"I already am mad at you"

I didn't know what I'm supposed to say "Uhm...w-what s-should I d-do t-then?"

"You're asking me what are you supposed to do? Unbelievable!"

"Wifeeeee!!!! I'm sorryyyy!!!" I plead.

"Let's go, I'm tired"

She change her name? "Hello tired, I'm Lisa your future husband hehehehe"

Jisoo and Chaeng laugh.

"That was so cute Lisayah" Chaeng praise.

Jennie smack my head "Don't tryna be cute to other people, you're exclusively mine"

If only the lizard on the ceiling could scream I can hear them saying "Aaaaaaahhhhhh so romantic"

"Mine huh?" Jisoo raise her brow.

"Something wrong?" Jennie didn't even look away as Jisoo stare at her.


"Tsk, you mind nothing at all"

"What did you say?"

Jennie smirk "I said Chu, if you don't have nothing important to pinpoint better getta hell outta here or sew your mouth. Okay?" she tap Jichu's cheeks.

Jennie hold my wrist and drag me from where her mom and dad is.

"Hi mom, dad" she greet.

I pulled a chair for her to sit on.

"Hi mom, dad" I abruptly said "A-Ah I m-mean M-Mr. a-and M-Mrs. Kim"

Mrs. Kim chuckled "You're such a cute kid, what's your name?"

Waaaahhhhh mommy Kim likes me and she said I'm cuteeee.

"A-Ahh Li-...uhm L-Lisa m-madame" my hand is shaking as it tried to reach Mrs. Kim's hand.

She shake it gently.

"No more formality Lisa, I'm Ji-won"

"Okay Ji-won"

Jennie immediately turn her head towards me. His dad laugh at the side.

"Hehehehe kidding" I made a peace sign.

"Lisa, you can call me auntie, mom or whatever you please to"

"But mom!"



They're so cute, I'm seeing an old and young Jennie. But I simp over the young version😭

"I'll call you mom then" I smile in victory.

"Nice choice Lisa" his dad gave me a thumbs up "I'm Seo-joon by the way, call me dad"

Jennie groaned "Let's end this nonsense, the program should start already"

"Chill Jenduekie, we are not in a rush eh?" Jisoo pouted.

"The program should start since we are all here already, I'll call Mr. Yang. Excuse me for a bit" Mom said.

The heavens received my prayer as one by one I'm reaching my wishlist. I already aimed to call Jennie's parents as mom and dad.

Am I part of the family now? Uwu.

"Lisa, sit closer to me" my wife demanded.

"Okay wi-.."

"Don't call me that when we're infront of my parents!" she whisper yelled at me.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Don't question me, just obey will ya?"

"Got it. Jennie hehehehe"

I pull my chair closer to where she is, she fix my suit plaiding my collar and my bangs.

Awwweee my wife is so caring.

"Ahem!" Jisoo interrupt her "Chaeng will ya please fix my hair too"

Dad chuckled "You don't have originality at all Jisoo"

Jennie only squint her eyes towards them but didn't said a word.

Instead she hold my hand and intertwined it with hers together under the table then she rest it on her lap.

My eyes went wide.

What happened to my wife? She's being so extra sweet today, I hope she's like this everyday huhuhuhu.

After a few minutes our mom came back with a smile on her face.

"Did you wait long?" she ask.

"Not at all sweetie" Mr. Kim replied.

Such a beautiful couple.

Then a man speak up on the stage "Goodevening ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry about making you wait but I hope I can make it up to you. Now we are celebrating another year of success for the Kim's corporation. Let us all give a round of applause for Mr. Se-joon and Mrs. Ji-won Kim who established this amazing company. Last but not the least, I would like to thank our beloved CEO miss Jennie Kim for her hardwork and patience. Let's give them a round of applause"

Everyone's attention was slowly focus to us, the camera's made my eye get irritated because of the flashing lights it created so I duck under the table.

That's not the only reason why I did that, I don't want Jennie think that I'm taking advantage of the moment.

I don't like pictures of us taken in this event not because I don't really like it but because I don't want her to think that I'm acting like someone dear to her heart.

"What are you doing?!?" she whisper yelled.


"Why the fuck would you hide?!?"

"So I won't be included on the pictures that's going to be publish on newspapers or uploaded on the internet"

"Stupid! Stop hiding!"

I slowly straighten up my body with an awkward smile.

"Fix how you smile idiot"

I look at her as she plastered a little smile.

I copied how she smile and I think it turns out good since she didn't said anything at all. After 23000 shots I guess the cameras got tired of taking pictures.

"Why did you think of that?" she started.

"Uhm...I o-only t-thought m-maybe you w-won't l-like it"

"Why won't I?"

I shrugged "Hehehehe I don't know"

"Tsk. Don't overthink, it doesn't suit you"

She's really on her period I guess.

"Wife!" I whisper yelled "Are you on your period? Red flag?"

She glared at me.

"Hehehe I think that's a yes"

"I'm not on my period Manoban"

"Uhm I have a proposal, do you want to stop your period?" I ask.

She face me.

"Stop it for 9 months?"

She wasn't able to reply for a minute but when she realize it "9 months? LISA!"

"I'm joking wife!" she hit me "Awww"

The emcee continued blabbering a lot of people listen but the others are having a chitchat specially those one who are interested on business matters.

"Are you hungry?" Jennie draw circles on my hand.

"Yeah, sort of"

"Then go get us some food"

Huhuhu she made me as her servant but nevermind, what my wife says is what I'll do.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Any would do"

"S-Sure. Wife" I whispered.

I didn't know a food called any exist, now I had to see it with my own eyes.

She let go of my hand, I excuse myself and went on the buffet.

"What would you like sir?" a pretty girl ask.

"Hehehe do you have any?"


"Do you have a food called any?"

Ugh this girl is pretty but she won't get what I wanted.

"Sir....are you on drugs?"

"What?!? Your asking me? When it's you who can't get what I'm asking for" my tone changes.

"Sir the one you're asking doesn't e-.."

"Excuse me, I'll serve her. You can go" another girl pop out.

She was also pretty I guess because it's only her eyes I see. She was wearing a mask.

"Any would do right?"

"Oh you know any? I want that one" I smiled.

She went over a dish "This is the one you're asking for"

"Thank you"

"I'll serve it to you sir, you can go back to your table"

She's not just pretty, she's also nice.

"Thank you again miss"

I bowed at her before going back to my wife, she was stunning no matter what angle she look at.

"Hello wife"

I sit next to her, she immediately reach for my hand and hold it.

"What did you get?"





I don't know if she's making fun of me.

"I get what you wanted"

Her cat eyes stare at mine "But what I want is here"

Jisoo cleared her throat "Sweet. So sweet"

What does Jennie mean? What she want is here? Did she ate without me?

"Goodevening miss, here's your order" the girl put down the plates.

I gave it to Jennie "Here's what you want"

I guess it was a shrimp since it looks like one but I ordered any.

"I don't like this" she push it.


"I don't like it" she was looking at the girl.

"Okay, I'll get you another one miss"

"No, I want another person to serve what I like"

While they're busy talking, I already start eating the food not minding if I'm eating it fastly.

"Hmmmmm it taste good! Amazing!"

"Lisa! Don't eat it" Jennie hold my hand.

"What?" I ask while my mouth is full.

She look at the girl "You. You're not an employee of the catering"

"M-Miss w-what a-are y-you t-talking a-about?"

"Admit it now or I'll...Lisa! Stop eating that!"

I'm on my 7th spoon when I can feel my mouth burning.

"Ahhh spicy!"

"Security get a hold of her" Jennie said to the goons.

I didn't even notice them getting closer to us.

"M-Miss t-they o-only p-paid m-me"

"Too late" Jennie replied.

"Sweetie what's happening?" Mrs. Kim ask.

"Mom, someone is eyeing on us. Me and Lisa will leave first. Just enjoy the party"

"Is that so? Don't worry I'll let Mr. Yang inform the security, be safe"

"Waterrrr" I grab the glass of water on the table.

"The fun isn't starting yet" Mr. Kim became sad.

"We'll get going dad, sorry" Jennie look at our dad. Ehe.

"Are you sure sweetie?"

"Do I look like I'd lie dad?"

He chuckled "Like mother like daughter"

I keep on drinking whatever is on the table, I almost spill some of it but I hold it carefully.

"Are you okay?" Jennie hold my shoulder "Oh shit honey!" she said it loudly.

I'm busy drinking some juice in this big bottle, it taste bitter but it also taste sweet on the same time.

Jennie grab it "Why didn't you stop her?!?"

"Wife it's still spicy!"

She was glaring at Jisoo.

"Jisoo said I should not stop Lisa"

"Hey why did you bust me out?"

"I don't want to get scolded!" Chaeng hit her.

I'm reaching for the bottle but she won't give me, I saw a waitress passing by carrying a tray full of drinks.

I stop her and start drinking.

"Lisaya!" her voice made me stop.

"It's really spicy!" I'm at the verge of crying.

She stood up dragging me with her "We'll go first mom, dad, Jisoo and Chaeng. See ya"

She didn't let them finish as we exit.

"What did I told you? Don't eat it"

My eyes are tearing up "But the food looks delicious huhuhuhu"



We stop infront of the building's entrance, then a car stop.

She open it and let me go inside first before she entered.

The car started moving.

"Wife it's still burningggg. My tongue is on fireeee"

"Do you want to end it? I have scissors here"

Waaaaahhhh she want to cut my tongue.

"Here, eat this"

She gave me a box of chocolate.

"Wowwwwwww Cadbury!" I opened it and start eating.

"Eat slowly"

"Mmmm where are we going?"


My eyes went wide "H-Home? T-To y-your house?"

"Do I have to say it twice?"

Shit she's bringing me to her place. Again.

"Y-you're sure of that?"

She didn't respond.

"Hehehehehe I think you're really sure"

The car drive was so quiet but I don't mind at all, I'm with Jennie while eating chocolate. That's what matters.

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