Chapter 32

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Lisa's POV

Jennie became more clingy to me, she don't want me to get lost of her sight. I must be beside her all the time or else she would get mad if I didn't.

"Hon say ah"

She was feeding me, I happily ate the shrimp.

"Hmmm taste good"

"Really?" she tried it too "mmmm it really taste good"

"Baby say ah" Jisoo mimic Jennie.

Chaeng giggled at her girlfriend's action.

My wife glared at Jichu who gave her a mocking smile, she really likes to tease her.

We are already here at the beach at exactly 3 PM, it's freaking hot but Jennie is hotter. Literally on fire making everyone's eyes lock on her.

Our friends enjoy the waves of the ocean and also the heat of the sun, foreigners are everywhere. It's only me, Jennie, Jisoo, Chaeng and Tzuyu left on the cottage. Grandma was busy preparing some snacks.

"Jennie can I have a word with you" grandma showed up.

"Is it personal granny?"

"Yeah. I want to have a private talk" her eyes linger on me.

I can sense her dislike that made me uncomfortable, it makes my stomach feel uneasy.

"Fine" Jennie stood up leaving us behind.

I watch them not far from where we are, they're both serious and they're like arguing base on their facial expressions.

"Grandma don't like you" Jisoo blurted.

Chaeng nudge her "Don't tell her that. You're being straightforward babe"

"Should I sugarcoat it when it's the truth"

"I know she doesn't like me for Jennie but I'll show her I can be a good lover for her granddaughter" I gave Jisoo a liptight smile.

"That would be a long battle dude. Tae was grandma's favorite guy, she's fond of him since he court Jennie a long time ago. Unluckily he got rejected but still they're good friends at each other" Jichu tap my shoulder "It would be a long process to convince our granny"

"I don't care if its gonna be a long process-if that would lead me to your granny's heart, I'll take that deadly path"

"Manoban is that you? Or your holy spirit is activated hahahahahahaha" Jichu tease.

"Yah! I'm being serious chu"

"Okay okay hahahaha"

"I know you can get mommy's approval. Once that happen Jennie must already been decided to make your relationship official"

I suddenly got sad. Jennie introduced me as her friend...I'm not complaining because we aren't even in a relationship. I just want her to introduced me to her family being more than a friend.

"I'll be the happiest person in the world if Jennie and I would make it til the end"

"If and only can persuade grandma" Jisoo said.


"Anyway let's forget about that, we came here to enjoy the heat. I'll go swimming"

Chaeng stood up, she was wearing a bra and shorts.

"Yah! Wear some shirt! Guys can see your boobies"

"This is a beach Chu, we're not in church"

Oh the holy girl spoke. It doesn't sound like her hahahahaha.

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