Chapter 3

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Lisa's POV

I'm daydreaming when someone interrupt me and call my name.

"Lisa, someone wants to meet you. He's waiting outside" my coworker said.

She left before I could even reply.

Who the hell wants to meet me? Is it someone I know? Is it a kidnapper... I mean adultnapper? I don't have much money to pay for my life and I don't wanna die early....I don't wanna die at a very young age.

What if it's an alien? What if I'm not a human being and I'm some kind of endangered specie? And my deceased parents adopt me and never told me the truth...but to think of it I have records on the hospital where I was born so it's impossible that I'm an alien.

What if it's a debt collector? What if someone used my name and falsified my records then now they're going after me. I don't wanna go to jail.

What if...

"Hey are you not going to meet that person? He's waiting outside" the girl earlier came back with an angry expression.

"I'm thinking, I'll get out if I'd made up my mind" I replied.

She scoff and go wherever she goes.

What if it's a hired killer? Who the fuck wants to kill me? I'm so done.

Suddenly a guy showed up and drag me outside.

"P-Please s-spare m-me, I'll g-give y-you a-anything y-you l-like....h-here t-take m-my p-phone" my hands are trembling while handing him my keypad phone.

He stared at it.

"T-Take i-it..." I said.

He didn't took the phone and continued dragging me outside. Other people look at us.

"Help me!!!!!! He's a killer!!!!! He's going to kill meeeee!!!!" I shout which gained a lot of attention.

"Look it's the weirdo" they laugh at me.

"She's with Miss Kim's bodyguard, what's with them?" another girl speak.

I stop shouting as I heard what the girl said "You're my wife's bodyguard???" I ask.

"Wife? I'm Jennie's personal bodyguard" he replied shortly.

The moment he said she's my wife's bodyguard, I voluntarily walk where he wants me to go. We walk outside where a expensive car is park, the windows are tinted so I don't know who's inside.

Suddenly I stop on my track when I thought of something.

What if this only a façade? Where they fool me by saying she's miss Kim's bodyguard when he's not. What if that car consists of the bad guys like those in the movies?

"Please enter the car miss" he said in a manly voice.

"I f-forgot s-something inside, I'll j-just go g-get it" I hope he believes my alibi.

"We don't have enough time, Miss Kim is waiting for you"

I figdet my fingers, think of something brilliant Lisa....

"Uhm...I t-think I..."

Suddenly the car's window at the back rolled down revealing the one and only love of my life, Jennie Kim.

"My wife!!!!!" I shout and run towards her but she close the window.

"She didn't even greet me" I pout.

Now that I'm relieve who's inside the car, I voluntarily went on the car where Jennie is but the bodyguard refrain me.

"You'll sit infront" he command.

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