Chapter 28

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Lisa's POV

I let her won. It's stupid I know but I can't lose her, she's precious to me. She's my life-my world revolves around her, she's the only reason why I wanna live....but if she's's better if I'm also gone.

Jennie cook bacon, egg, fried kimchi rice, and pancakes.

"Honey say ahh" Jennie is feeding me while she's sitting on my lap while I hold her waist.

Yes. It turns me on but it looks normal on her, the way she moves don't help at all. Her ass rub on my thighs.

"I can eat on my own, wife. Go sit over there, you must eat as well"

She glared at me.

"Hehehehehe I'm j-joking"

I ate the pancake she's offering and munch it.

"Mmmm it really taste the best pancake in the world!" I cheered.

She chuckled "You're bluffing. It's just a classic pancake, I only add chocolate syrup"

"It's my first time eating a home made pancake, so this would be the best of all....because it's made by my wife"

"Stop complimenting me hon"

She cup my cheek and put a gentle kiss on my lips, if this was a dream I don't wanna wake up.

She's being super extra sweet today.

"You look cute" she giggled.

I think my heart died for a second.

"Hey talk to me hahahaha" her small hands capture my face squeezing my cheeks.

"I'm too stunned to speak wife hehehehe"

"Silly" she pinch my nose "So you're gonna live with me right?"

Her fingers trace my jaw up to my ears, she slightly play it.


She stood up and straddle me "Then that means my house my rules, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes w-wife"

Her lips form into a smirk "Today I want you to pack your essential things 'cause we're moving out"

"That fast?!?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" she hold my chin making me look into her eyes.

"N-Nothing w-wife"

"Good. Just get all the essential things okay?"


She peck my lips, I pulled her closer to me as she deepens it. Her tongue lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I let her dominate me.

We are caught in a heated kissing session when a phone rings in the room.

"Fuck that phone" she groaned as she run her fingers through her hair.

"S-Sorry hehehe"

The moment she stood up I immediately miss her warm body. Call me pervert, I don't care anymore.

Jennie went inside my room, my eyes followed her trail. I continued eating the foods she cook. So lucky that I got a taste of

"You'll get nothing. She's mine!"

I run inside my room as I heard my wife shouting over the phone.

"Fuck off!"

"Who are you talking to?" I worriedly rub her back.

She signaled me to keep quiet.

"Oh talk all you want bitch! You look desperate chasing Lisa and would you please stop calling her names 'cause I'm the only one who have the right to do that!"

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