Chapter 37

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Granny's POV

"Mom, let Jennie decide for herself. We're not living in the 90's anymore where you set someone into marriage. She's already on the right age to choose whatever she likes"

"Ji-won, we need to secure your daughter's future. What do you think she'll get from that....Lisa? She's nothing compared to Taehyung who have good credentials, who came from a wealthy family...who have everything a girl who wish for"

I don't know why everyone likes that girl, she don't suit with my granddaughter.

"Mom. You know what she'll get from Lisa? Happiness. Even if the girl don't have anything to boast, she genuinely loves Jennie as she is. Even if Jennie won't have this wealth, this money or this power, she likes her. Lisa has a pure heart. It's rare to find a girl like her"

This is unbelievable.

"Are you hearing what you're saying? That's why Jennie is stubborn, you're letting her do the things she like"

"Because that's the right thing to do, letting your daughter grow up. Letting her choose someone she can love not letting her marry someone she don't like. Mom, this isn't your generation anymore where you set your granddaughter to marry Taehyung"

I look at Ji-won, she became a strong independent woman. She's also stubborn. Jennie got her attitude on her.

"We will be having dinner with Taehyung and his family, convince Jennie to come as well"

"But mom"

"Invite her" I sternly said.

Ji-won sigh "Okay, but don't expect Jennie to behave as you wish. She's doing her own decisions"

"She'll be fine"


I came early to our meet up place, it's one of the expensive restaurants owned by Taehyung. I told him that it's okay if the restaurant isn't exclusive for us, I'm letting them know that Jennie and him is having a secret affair.

I notice some media outside the place, maybe they now that we'll be meeting here. Paparazzi.

A chauffeur accompanied me inside the VIP room. Taehyung greet me.

"Hello grandma, nice to have you here" he kiss my cheek "Take a seat" he offered while pulling a chair for me.

"Thank you Tae"

"You're welcome grandma"

He was the charming man I've ever encountered that is suitable to my granddaughter Jennie.

"Uhm my parents...they'll arrive soon. Grandma, where's Jennie?"

I hold his shoulder "They'll be here soon, she's with her parents"

His smile widens "Really? Ha I'm so nervous, I don't know why" he chuckled.

"Chill. It would be a great night"

After some few talks with Tae, his parents finally arrived.

His father offered his hand for a handshake "Goodevening madame"

"Goodevening, you look more handsome. It looks like Tae took care of his parents well" I nod.

"Grandma!" Taehyung whined which made us laugh.

"Goodevening" her mother said then kiss my cheek.

"This is your mother? Oh my god she looks young my dear! You're so pretty to be Taehyung's mom"

"Oh you're quite funny madame" she softly laugh.

We were interrupted when someone cleared her throat.

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