The 14th Floor

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I wanna see how fast this story can grow so if you can, share it anywhere xx

Honey Ilona

"You'll be working mainly on this floor, the 14th" Bree explained as we walked through the busy halls. She had been explaining everything that goes on in the building and specifying my job.

"This is the staff kitchen" she said as we walked into a large kitchen room "Here you can make yourself a sandwich, coffee, tea—whatever you like. Everything you need is provided in the cupboards and fridge. Mr Malfoy usually prefers his coffee and meals from the cafe just a couple of streets down but how he's feeling during the day is what he wants"

I nodded, listening to each word she said carefully. I didn't want to stuff up on my first day and I especially didn't want to make anyone mad or frustrated by mistakes.

"This" she stopped in front of a small desk outside a large office, the door of the room labeled 'Mr D. Malfoy' "Is your desk. It's nothing much but you won't need anything that's not already here" she smiled.

I nodded and slipped off my back pack, letting it fall to the floor by the desk chair.

"Now, Vivian also comes and goes quite regularly. She's Mr Malfoy's work assistant, which means she handles his appointments, organises his paperwork and tells him where he needs to be at different times of the day. Her desk is just over there" she pointed to the other side of the office door, at a desk that was similar to mine but presented neatly and decorated with personal belongings.

"Oh, is she nice?" I asked curiously.

"She's..." she wondered off hesitantly "She's professional and likes to get her work done in a timely manor, but don't worry. As long as you do your job properly, nor her or Mr Malfoy should have a problem with you"

"Oh" I pressed my lips into a thin line "If I may ask, what's Mr Malfoy's first name?"

"His first name is Draco but my Merlin, unless told otherwise, address him as Mr Malfoy" She warned seriously "He's very strict about his work and really isn't the one to tolerate mistakes. That being said, if you find yourself stuck with something, don't hesitate to call me—My number in on the notepads beside your laptop, alright"

I nodded and replaced my look of uncertainty with a wide smile "Thank you, Bree"

"It's not a problem" She smiled "I know you'll do great. I'll be on the 11th floor but once again, call me if you need anything" she gave me one last hug before walking off.

I breathed out heavily and ran my finger tips over the black desk.

What to do now?

I looked behind myself to Mr Malfoy's office door and figured I should introduce myself and let him know that I'm here if he needs anything.

I sucked in a breath and shook the nerves from my body, tucking hair behind my ears and slipping my sleeves over my hands before I raised my knuckles and knocked on his door.

Immediately I heard a gruff "Come in" I shook my head and told myself repeatedly that I would be fine as I twisted the handle and pushed open the door.

The office was huge. Pearly white floors clean enough to see my clear reflection, walls tall and black, not much furniture except for a lounge pressed against the right side of the room. A large window stretched over the wall on the left side of the room, a desk sitting just In front with him sitting behind it and a couple of chairs before it.

I slowly walked over towards the desk, stopping next to the chairs and clutching the bottom of my skirt. He didn't look up at me, continuing to scribble down on pieces of paper and flicking through notes.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now