Im Totally Fine

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Honey Ilona

Im fine.

Really, I'm ok.

Im over it... so over it.

I realised last night that I didn't really know what I expected when I trusted Draco. I knew he wasn't a good person and still went head first. This is my fault and I forgive myself.

Really... I do.

"Morning" I smiled as I gripped the strip of the bag over my shoulder and showed my coworkers a small smile. They greeted back politely and that made me smile even wider.

Not socialising made me forget how nice everyone here actually was.

I pressed the button to the elevator and sat patiently as if traveled past floors to get where I was. I fiddled with my thumbs and listened to  the quiet ding as the doors opened, allowing me to walk in.

I took a step in and leant myself against the back wall, staring down at my hands as the doors closed in my peripheral vision.

Until a black leather shoe lodged itself in between the nearly closed doors resulting in them to open wide again.

I stopped for a second and looked up slowly.

"Honey" he breathed slowly, standing at the door with a bag in hand.

"Sebastian" I smiled and stepped aside so he could walk in. He gave me a curious look but took the spot beside me anyway "How are you?" I asked cheerfully.

"I'm—" he cleared his throat "I'm fine, Honey. How are you?"

"I'm a little tired" I answered "Had a late rest last night but I'm ok" I flashed him another smile and looked ahead, noticing he was still staring at my side profile.

"Are you ok?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, I just said I was" I answered but didn't look at him "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Everyone heard" he said and for a second I grew stiff. Everyone knew? Is that why everyone was being so nice? Pitty?

I took in a deep breath and exhaled sharply "Good for them" I brushed it off as though it didn't bother me.


"Sebastian—I'm really fine" before he could answer back, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to my floor "I'll see you at lunch" I said before walking out and not looking back. 

I do under the corner and instantly my desk came into view. To my surprise, Vivian wasn't at her desk and for a moment, I cared.

Only for a moment.

Until I remembered and suddenly I didn't give a crap.

I shrugged and walked toward my desk. I tore off my back pack and placed it behind hm chair before switching on my laptop. Once I was all set up, I didn't even give myself the chance to over think before I knocked on Mr Malfoy's door.

It was a quick second before I heard his strained voice give a quiet response. He sounds tired.

Is he ok?

No—I don't care.

I smiled and pushed my way in, seeing him sat at his desk.

And staring straight at me.

"Good morning, Mr Malfoy!" I smiled and walked towards his desk. He dropped his pen and pulled his papers to the side of his desk, giving me his undivided attention.


"Vivian had these on her desk so I thought I do her a favour and give them to you myself" I said as I sorted through the blue folder in my arms and slipped a from the clear plastic sleeve "Where is she by the way? Is she ok?"

I furrowed my eye brows and looked down at his fumbled expression. He struggled to find the right words, it was like I could see everything on the tip of his tongue but he hadn't the strength to speak them.

"She's—I relieved her of her duties yesterday" he answer shortly.

"Shame" I shrugged and sorted through the folder to find the work I had to give him "Here's that request form for the new computing wing on the 8th floor, the workers wanna get stated right away and—"

"Honey" he interrupted me. I hummed, continuing to look down in the folder for the form "Honey, look at me"

I sighed and looked up from the folder for a brief second "Oh— I'm so sorry" I chuckled "Coffee from the cafe of kitchen today?"

I closed the folder after finding the work and placing it in front of him. He didn't even glance down at the papers.

"Honey" he sighed and tried to stand but I stopped him.

"It's ok" I shook my head. He stopped still and looked up slowly "Really" I smiled and sat down the folder on his desk. I pushed his shoulder down, resulting in his falling back into the chair.

I looked down at him and rested my hands on the desk.

"You know what I realised last night?" I asked in a rhetorical question type of way "I don't know what I expected when I trusted you, Draco. I knew you weren't a good man, you had shown me on many occasions that you weren't a nice person and I still trusted you. I gave you something special and you crushed it Beneath your leather boot like it was a fall leaf"

"Honey, I—"

I put my hand up to silence him "I'm not finished" I pushed myself from the desk and stood straight "You didn't give a shit about me. Everything you said was just an aid to help you win whatever you had going on with Vivian and honestly, it's ok" I said simply "I let you do that. It's my fault for thinking for even a second that you could be a decent Wizard and that you were capable of liking someone for something other then sex. I let you do it and for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so stupid. I can't let you apologise for being such a crappy person because that's just who you are and you can't say sorry for being yourself"

I picked up the folder "Now, I'll walk down the block and get your coffee from the cafe, yes?" 

I didn't let him answer before I spun on my heel and walked from his office.

I didn't expect to say all that stuff but neither was I regretting it in the slightest. Everything said was how I truly felt. I was sorry for myself and I made a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes.

I slipped the folder back onto my desk and grabbed my bag.

I exited the building quickly and started my descent down the street to the cafe.

I kept to myself and only flashed the quick smile to those who stared at me. I entered the cafe and ordered his coffee within a second as the cafe was practically empty.

I took a seat on one of the cushions just before the counter and waited patiently. I tapped my foot along the polished wooden floor and looked off into the distance.

"Seat taken?" I looked up to a tall man. Buzz cut black hair, beautiful brown skin that looked so smooth to touch. His features were protruding and sharp, each curve was perfectly rounded and muscular. His nose was large but suited his face, his lips full and eyes held a kind look.

He looked familiar, but where had I seen him?

"Uh—no" I smiled and shifted to the side so he could sit. He huffed a chuckle and took a sit fairly close to me. I stiffened slightly and couldn't ignore the expensive cologne I smelt so far up my nostrils.

Should I start conversation?

"I haven't seen you before, do you live around here?" Smooth Honey.

"I don't live here, no" he answered, looking down at me "I'm in town visiting a friend"

A girlfriend? Stop it Honey.

"Oh? Who is it?" I sound nosy... is this nosy? I stared back up at him and that's when it hit me.

I have seen him before. He's one of the men on Mr Malfoy's desk, in that picture.

He's here to see Draco.


Hello! Sorry it's been a bit late. I'm so busy these days but I promised I would get this out xx

Word Count 1375.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now