Elderflower Wine

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Honey Ilona

I ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up, it was dark, Much more dark then it was before. I looked up and saw that it was night, what time of night? I'm not sure but it seemed late. The whole building was silent, not a noise except the sharp ringing in my ears.

I looked to my right and saw Alena wasn't there anymore. I frowned and pushed myself to my feet, trying to see through the pitch black abyss ahead "Alena" I called out softly. Being loud right now felt illegal in a way "Alena"

Suddenly I heard her bark and the sound seemed to be coming from the Vanishing cabinet. I furrowed my eyes brows and walked towards it "Alena?" She barked once more and she was behind there. I refrained from touching the cabinet as I walked around the other side and noticed another door.

That was not there before.

I looked behind myself, into the darkness and shrugged, it couldn't be bad. If anything, It'll be a way out. I pushed it open, hearing the soft creak off the wood as the door swung. I cringed at the loud noise but walking into the dark room nonetheless.

I felt around for a light switch or anything for some source of light and ended up stumbling upon a lamp. I smiled and felt around for the switch, finally finding it and flicking it on.

Oh my god.

It was a kitchen. It looked seemingly empty but there was a sink, a cupboard and a fridge. There was no windows or vents so that ruled out any chance escape. I looked around, in the cupboards and fridge which were both empty. I frowned and turned on the tap, it made a loud rumbling sound before water gushed down.

Well, at least we have water now.

I smiled and waited a second for the filter to clear before I drank some. I moaned at the cold feeling running down my dry throat, I never knew water tasted so good until now.

I turned around and noticed Alena was scratching at a cupboard underneath the fridge. I frowned and dropped myself on the ground, pulling Alena into my lap before opening it up.

Inside were bowl's, plates, cups and four bottles of wine. I chuckled and pulled out one of the bottles and read the label.

"Elderflower wine" I mumbled "Mixed in 1998. Well, would you look at that Alena. We still have no food but now we have wine" I smiled, popping open the cork and taking a sniff "Oh—that smells strong. Great"

I pulled out a cup and poured myself a generous glass "Do you want some water, Alena?" I asked and she gave a small bark in response.

I nodded and pushed her off my lap, grabbing a bowel before standing to my feet. I walked over to the sink, filling the bowl with water and then placing it on the ground for her. She panted and ran straight towards the bowl, drinking like this was her last.

I smiled and hiked myself up on the bench, picking up the glass of wine and taking a sip. I hummed At the taste. I've never had Elderflower wine before but It was one of my mother favourites and I could see why.

The flavour was rich and sweet with that little bit of spicy burn as you swallowed.

I knew that I was gonna get drunk fast. No matter your weight, if you drank on an empty stomach, you're likely to get wasted 10x quicker and at this point, that didn't sound so bad.

"Here's to being stuck in a room with someone who can't stand you" I smiled before downing the rest of the cup. I pulled the glass from my lips and let out a loud cough "Wow, it's been a while since I did that" I giggled before hopping off the bench to pour myself another one.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now