The More You Know

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Honey Ilona

"Draco, this is not a great time" I whispered as I subtly looked from him, back to my mother and brother who sat on the couch with their eyes glued tot he TV.

"Why?" He frowned "Are you ok? What's happening?" He tried to look inside my apartment but I blocked him from being seen.

"No, no—I'm fine. It's just my mother and brother are here" I explained "So it's probably not the best that you come in right now"

"Oh, I'm sorry I—"

"Honey, who's at the door?" I jumped slightly in my spot and turned around to see my mother standing right behind me.

"Oh, um—"

I suck at lying.

"Milk man?" I smiled, holding she'd believe me.

"At this time of night?" She laughed and shook her head "Move away" she slapped my arm lightly. I groaned internally and moved away from the door to reveal Draco.

"Mrs Ilona" he waved awkwardly.

"Oh my Merlin" she sighed "I hadn't even recognised you, Draco"

"Draco?" Just then Jackson stood from the couch and made his way towards us. I huffed quietly and but my lip to stop from blurting "What are you doing here?"

"Honey, I need to talk to her about some work stuff" Draco said firmly. If I didn't know he was lying, I'd definitely believe him. Lying was a skill I never had much luck with so I stepped aside and stayed quiet.

"Work?" Jackson rose an eyebrow "At this time of night? Do you do this to your other employee's or do you just torment Honey?"

"Torment?" Draco chuckled "I'm not tormenting her"

"Well, she told us a different story so back up pretty boy" Jackson spat as he took a step towards Draco who didn't even seem to bat an eyelash about Jackson's tone.

"If you want to go there then we will but I promise, you won't win" Draco said calmly as if this didn't affect him.

"Stop the lot of you" I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of Jackson. because he was already so close, I was now practically touching chests with Draco.

"What's he doing here, Honey?" Jackson asked as he looked down at me "Work is bullshit so explain"

"Jackson" Mother scolded "Mind you language, Dear"

I looked between my mother and Jackson numerous times. Was this really it? Was now the time where I was going to tell them who Draco was to me? How would they react? i was nervous on how they'd react since Draco was the first person I'd ever been romantically involved in.

My whole life I've never had to worry about this. I grew up thinking that I was going to be alone forever and I'd accepted that a long time ago, but then Draco Malfoy crashed into my life on a high speed broom and has left me in an unfamiliar situation that I was absolutely terrified of.

Jackson was overprotective to say the least. Ever since our father died, he's made it his mission to protect my mother and I and so far, he's done an amazing job and that only left me scared with how he'd take this.

My mother was precious. She'd just be happy that I'm happy, no matter who it was.

I've been keeping this from them for so long and it all felt so heavy.

Just buck up the courage and do it Honey!

Here goes nothing.

"Well..." I trailed off "Draco and I are sort of... together?" I closed my eyes to shield myself from Jackson's reaction and his silence only had me spewing more "It hasn't been for very long but it's been long enough without telling you guys and I couldn't do it anymore. I know you're gonna be mad Jackson, but I—"

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now