Barbie Boutique

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Honey Ilona

Ever since this morning, I'd been busy. Running up and down this impossibly large building for things that I should of done this morning.

It was now just after lunch and we were all packing up to head back to our posts when Bree and I were interrupted by Sebastian.

"Hey, ladies" he smiled and sat down at the table we were about to stand from.

"Oh! hey, Seb" Bree smiled for a second then pulled her head back down to her lap.

"Hi" I said softly. I hadn't really spoken to him since our kiss. It's been the occasional 'hello, how are you?' As we pass each to her in the halls but never ever greater then that.

"Honey, long time no see" he smiled, flipping his curls up and out of his face by his left ring plated hand.

"Yeah—I guess I've just been so busy with work" I chuckled nervously. I was never good at lying and just hoped he didn't want to think too much on it.

"Can never blame you for being busy" he waved off with another kind smile. I bit my lower lip and looked away. His sweetness just made lying to him even worse and if I opened my mouth, I'd spill everything.

Which wasn't a bad thing but I didn't feel ready to tell anyone about Draco yet, for I wouldn't even be sure about what to tell them.

"We all need to catch up" Bree noted "Why don't we go for a drink after work?"

"I'm in" Sebastian answered.

"Uh—ok" I said uneasily. I wasn't really in the mood to socialise that much but I didn't want to make anyone upset by saying no so I just agreed and prayed it would go along quickly.

"Cool!" Bree smiled excitedly "We'll meet back here after shift?"

We all nodded before standing and getting back to work.

I made my way back to Draco's office and took my seat out the front at my desk. I huffed and leant my elbow in the flat surface with my face relaxed in my palm.

At the start of the day, I wanted nothing more then for this shift to go quick but now that I knew what lie after it, I wouldn't mind being here overnight.

"Honey" broken from my thoughts, I looked to my left and saw Draco leant on the doorframe to his office and looking at me.

"Draco" I sighed slowly and gave him a tired smile.

"Hungry?" He asked "I know you just got back from Lunch but I don't recall seeing you take anything to eat with you"

He was right. I didn't feel like eating anything so all I had as I sat with Bree was a cup of tea. She didn't seem to notice as she gossiped to me nor did Sebastian but he'd only just entered the room when we were leaving.

"I haven't eaten" I responded "But I'm fine. I haven't really been feeling it, but I can't get you anything you like?"

Draco just smiled and shook his head "I'll have a pastry from across the road and I won't have you back in this building until I see something for yourself as well"


"No buts, Honey" he waved off "Eat and you'll feel better"

"Fine" I gave in "I guess I'll be back in 15"

"Good girl" he nodded and gave me a smile before disappearing back into his office. Once he was gone, I sighed and stood up.

He said he wanted me to get something but never specified what it was he wanted me to eat nor did he say how big it had to be.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now