Brake Time

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Honey Ilona

The rest of the day went by quickly.

It's been a little while since I found myself being this busy with other things that didn't include my personal life. I hadn't even had the chance to sit and think about anything that has been going on but instead, I've been run off my feet all day with work.

In a way, I found it as a calming distraction from the fresh train wreck that was my life but in the process I had forgot how tiring this job was and how much it really drained me.

By the time I hung up my last phone call for the day, I slumped back into my seat and hung my head low. 

Mostly everyone had gone home since the hour was quite late but there was still a fair few people wondering around and finishing the last of their work before they left.

"Hey, Honey" turning my head slightly to the left, I looked up at Draco through the tips of my lashes and showed him a tired smile.

"Hi" I sighed.

"You can go home" he said, placing a hand over my shoulder.

"I go home when you go home... remember" I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I didn't mean that" he shook his head and crouched to my level, taking my hand in his "Being part-time, you can go home anytime after 5"

"Are you serious?" I laughed and looked down into my lap "You are such—"

"A prick" he chuckled "I know. You've told me numerous times"

"At least you're self aware" I smirked and slipped my fingers through his "But I'm happy to stay until you leave. You can give me a ride home... saves me riding my bike"

"Do you know how to drive?" He asked curiously.

"No" I shook my head "My father was beginning to teach me before he got sick and after that he didn't really have any energy to do anything anymore"

"I have an idea" he said before standing up and leaving me to walk back into his office. I frowned and stood up also, taking the small steps toward his door and standing there watching him rummage through his desk draw for something.

Once he found it, he smiled and shoved it into his pocket before swiping his coat off the back of his chair and walking towards me again.

"Follow me" he said as he walked past the door and me.

"What?" I asked as my eyes followed his frame toward my desk where he picked up my own bag and coat "You're not gonna lock up or—"

"I'll just get someone else to do it" he shrugged and held out his hand towards me "Come"

"Uh..." I chuckled and grabbed hold of his hand "Okay"

He smiled before turning around and beginning to walk towards the floor elevator. I stayed confused as we traveled down to the very last floor and when the doors opened, I expected to be met with the front desk but instead, it was a garage with several cars parked in a long line.

Draco let go of my hand briefly as we stepped from the elevator and into the large room.

"Which one is yours?" I asked and stepped beside him, staring over at all the expensive looking cars with not a scratch or numb in sight.

"All of them" he said simply.

My eyes widened and immediately I looked up at him with my mouth agape.

"All of them?!" I shouted, hearing my voice carry across the garage and bounce off the walls back into our faces.

He shrugged "I'm a wealthy man"

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now