And There Were Three

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Honey Ilona

"Draco Malfoy" he said smoothly, running his tongue along the bottom of his lip "I'm sure you've heard of him. He owns—"

"The big building up the road" I finished his sentence with a chuckle "I work there... as his assistant"

"His assistant?" His rose an eye brow "You're Honey?"

I frowned in confusion and looked up at him "You know my name?"

He laughed "We all know your name"


"Hold the fucking child Theo before I chop your dick in half! I pushed it out so the least you can do is hold it" both the guy and I looked to our left and watched as a woman and a man holding a baby walked through the door.

The woman was considerably tall and dressed in a skin tight dress and stockings hidden underneath and heavy coat. Her black hair was short and hung just around her jaw complementing her sharp structure and light skin.

The guy on the other hand was just inches taller. Brown hair that curled against his forehead and striking green eyes that found us immediately. He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth and walked towards us with the child that was no older then 2 in his arms.

"Blaise!" He smiled.

"Theo, could you and Pansy of made a worse entrance?" Blaise stood up and wrapped him in a short and slightly awkward hug due to the child in his arms.

"Could you go without flirting for someone for 10 minutes? We just got here" he joked and flashed me a smile "I'm Theo, what's ya name darlin?"

I blinked slowly "Um, I-"

"This is Honey" Blaise smirked and looked to me then back at Theo.

"Holy fuck" Theo laughed "Pansy!"

"Ugh, what?!" The girl looked over towards us, not even giving me a glance from the counter.

"Come here!"

She rolled her eyes but agreed nonetheless.

"What?" She said and gave a small smile down to the baby girl in his arms.

"Look" he said and gestured towards me. She looked confused until she finally glanced at me. She held the same look of confusion I did.

"Congratulations you found yourself a pretty one" she then proceeded to pat Theo on the shoulder before trying to walk away again.

Until Theo grabbed her by the shoulder with his free hand "No dickhead" he rolled his eyes "This is Honey"

She stood to stare at him for a second before things clicked and she finally broke out into a smile and looked at me "Holy shit!" She laughed and reached down to wrap me in a hug.

I gasped and stiffened "Uh- what's going on?"

"Oh sorry" she laughed and pulled away "I'm Pansy" she smiled "You've already met Blaise obviously" she said as she pointed to him and Blaise gave a short nod in return "This is Theo and our daughter Everleigh"

And then it all made sense.

These were the people in the photos up in Draco's office.

"Oh" was all I said "I'm Honey" I chuckled nervously. I didn't exactly know what to say in this situation. I didn't know them but they sure as hell knew me.

"Where's Draco?" She asked and looked around herself "Who am I kidding? The grumpy fuck wouldn't of left his office to get coffee with his girl"

"His girl?—" I quested but was cut off again.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now