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Honey Ilona

"And are you going to Hogwarts?" I smiled as Everleigh and I sat in the cafeteria, munching on cookies and talking about what we could, Which wasn't much considering she was only two.

"School!" She smiled clapped her hands, dropping her cookie in the process. I laughed and stopped her as she went to pick it up.

"I'll get you another" I said and regard over to the cookie jar to grab another.

Until someone stepped into my peripheral vision, making me freeze.

"Mummy!" Everleigh shouted and jumped from her seat. I took my hands away from the cookie jar and looked up to see Pansy already staring at me.

"Daddy's in the hallway" Pansy said to the small child. Everleigh nodded and ran past her out of the room.

"Hey" I smiled and stood from the table to walk over to the sink.

I reached over and flicked on the kettle, preparing to make myself a cup of tea. I could feel Pansy follow and watch every move I made.

"Look" Pansy sighed and leant on the bench beside me "Draco is an asshole, He has little to no respect for women, he has anger issues and sometimes he says and does the most stupidest shit"

"Why are you—"

"But he has a good heart" she interrupted "He didn't have a great childhood and has been through some serious shit—we all have and it's done quite the number" Pansy explained "I'm not saying this excuses what he did to you, all I'm saying is to hear him out. Let him apologise because I can tell you right now, he's never going to forgive himself unless you do"

"I thought he really liked me" I said quietly, trying to keep back the tears I felt brewing.

"He does" Pansy smiled and gripped onto my hand that sat rested on the bench "Like I said, your affection scared him and he did something stupid. I wouldn't be telling you this unless it meant something so, just hear him out"

I sighed deeply and thought for a second.

Draco's childhood couldn't possibly make up for what he had done to me, but at the same time, it could have everything to do with what he'd done to me.

I didn't know him, I didn't know his life and Pansy was right, the least I could do was hear him out.

"Ok" I nodded with a small smile "I'll—I'll hear him out and let him apologise"

Pansy smiled and wrapped me in a hug "I promise he's the biggest fucking teddybear you will ever meet, no matter how tough that fuckwit acts"

I laughed in response and she pulled away.

"Now, I'm starving and have a meeting in an hour" she said as she looked down at her watch "Why is it whenever I come to see him, I end up being his goddamn counsellor" she mumbled "Anyways, it was nice meeting you, Honey and I hope we meet again in the future"

"Same to you, Pansy" I said as she gave me one last smile and left. Once she was out of sight, I let my body relax and the anxiety kick in.

What if Draco isn't really sorry? Am I making a mistake by letting him apologise? What if he hurts me again? I mentally and physically can't do it again.

My heart was telling me to let him in and my gut was telling me to push him away.

I just pray to Merlin my hearts right.

"Mama please! You don't have to do all this, I'm fine" I groaned and slumped down onto the counter as I watched my mother zip up and down the kitchen to prepare meals I wouldn't even eat.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now