A Bone To Pick

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Honey Ilona

The weekend.

I never realised how excited I was for the weekend until it actually came. I haven't been happy to hear the word Saturday since my years at Hogwarts.

Was that normal?

I smiled when I looked over at the clock and saw it read 10 o'clock.... I slept in.

I yawned and rolled over onto my back, throwing my hand onto Alena's body.

"We slept in for the first time in forever, Alena" she sniffled and buried her head into my body "I feel so well rested. What do you feel like doing for the remainder of the day?"

She barked and sprung to her feet, trampling over my body and onto the floor before pushing her way out of my room.

"Good idea" I smiled and sat up, tossing the covers over my body.

"Morning amour!" I jumped back and looked up to see my mother in the kitchen.

"Mum... did you—did you let yourself in?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I really have to start locking my door.

"I figured I'd come in and make you breakfast" she smiled before looking up at me briefly then to the stove where she had eggs frying.

"Uh—ok" I nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

"I have missed you so much! It's been way too—" she stopped once her eyes trailed up my body and too my face for a better look "Merlin—Honey. Look at you!? Have you eaten, amour. My goodness—ce qui s'est passé, permet de vous nourrir—"

"Mama!" I stopped her ranting and grabbed onto her frazzled hands "I'm fine. I've just been busy" I couldn't deny what she was saying. I had noticed that I was loosing weight around my face and my waist but I just didn't have time for anything and I had been so run off my feet the last month.

"That job is no good, Honey!" She said sternly, pulling her hands away from my grip "Take me down there. I have a bone to pick with that Malfoy boy! I went to school with his father and let me tell you—"

"Mum, please" I groaned "I'm fine, I really am. You don't need to speak to my boss"

She eyed me up and down before stepping away from me "Fine but you are doing nothing today but eating until you can't no more"

"No, you don't need to do that either" I shook my head "Like I said, I'm fine. Mama, really"

"Sit down, Honey" she said before Turing around and flipping off the stove. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on one of the stools before the counter.

"I made Waffles, there is eggs frying, toast in the toaster, orange juice in the fridge—your favourite—pancakes over there on the bench and the fruit bowel is full" she said as she pointed towards each food item she named "And you won't leave this table until You eat"

"Thank you, mum" I gave her a small smile. I was really grateful that she was looking out for me and she went to these lengths for me but I really wasn't hungry. I was used to not eating during these hours, unhealthy I know but it's just what my body had adjusted too "But I really can't. I think I'm gonna go take Alena for a walk"


"Look" I said and leant over to grab an apple from the fruit bowel "I'll have this, ok? I'm fine"

She sighed heavily "Fine but I'm making you a massive lunch"

"Ok" I smiled and leant over the counter to kiss her cheek "Thank you, mum. Really, where would I be without you?"

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now