Pretty For Me

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Honey Ilona

"What?" I laughed and spun around to look at him, but it didn't seem like he was joking "" I shook my head.

"Why?" He rose an eyebrow.

"We're at work" I said in a tone of disbelief that he was been considering doing this right now. Not only was it in the middle of the morning, but his door was unlocked and any person could walk in at any time.

"And?" He smirked, running his hands up over my breasts then back down to rest on my hips "It'll be fun. I love watching you fall apart"

"Draco—" I didn't get to Finish my protest before he pushed my hips forward, making my clit brush against his pants. I was wearing a skirt and due to how I was straddled on his thigh, it made easy access over my underwear.

"Huh?" He tilted his head tot he side and looked me in the eyes "You were saying?"

"We can't" I said quietly because By now, I wasn't sure if I was believing it myself "Your door"

"Colloportus" he whispered "There. Now the doors locked"

"We're at work—"

"Like I said" he cut me off and shifted my hips forward once more "I don't think your boss will mind, Honey"

I was trying so hard not to give in. Doing this in an office—I'm his office, just felt wrong no matter who it was with. But as his hands pressed into my sides, his mouth ghosting over the bare skin of my neck and the hardness I felt poking into my lower back.

Could I really resist?

"Ride my thigh, darling, c'mon"


"I don't—" I took a deep breath in "I don't know how, Draco" I said just above a whisper, like someone had their ear pressed against the door and they'd hear whatever I say.

"I'll teach you" Draco said "Be a good girl and listen"

I nodded slowly and relaxed, letting Draco take my hips into his hands once more. I leant my head back on his shoulder and placed my hands on the side of his chair.

"Honey, have you ever ridden a horse?" Draco asked quietly, pushing my hips back and forth so slowly that I almost couldn't feel the friction.

"I-" I found it hard to finish the sentence when my clit rolled over his knee ever so slightly "I-I grew up in France. Never even seen a horse in real life before"

"Ok" he chuckled quietly "Sit up" I obeyed and leant upwards, moving my head off his shoulder until back was straight "Now, move your hips—like if you were dancing"

"I don't dance" I chuckled "I have two left feet. I actually did take a dance class when I was little—it was ballet tho and it was only from when I was 2 to like 8 maybe? It was in France, just down the road from where I grew—"

"Honey" Draco reached up and pressed his hand to my mouth "I promise I wanna hear all about you but right now is not the moment" 

He moved his head and I mumbled 'sorry'. He shook his head and grabbed onto my hips again.

"Mimic my movements with your hips, yeah?" He said. I have him a small nod as he started to push my hips back and forth once more. I started to shift myself into the movement with his hands, feeling the fabric of his pants rub against me was making chills run down my spine "Good girl. Just like that"

Soon he took his hands away, placing them loosely on my bare legs—underneath my skirt as he let me do what I wanted. I chose a steady pace that wasn't too fast and not too slow, just the perfect amount of friction and pleasure.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now