No Sugar

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Honey Ilona

I listened to the soft music, quiet and somewhat calming as the elevator moved up slowly. Mr Malfoy's coffee in hand and cheeks still pink from my encounter with Sebastian.

I had never experienced a guy be so nice to me before, especially one so attractive and ask me to lunch. My years at Hogwarts were quiet, I didn't have much friends and spent my time in the Hufflepuff common room, mostly studying.

Bree was a Gryffindor, along with my brother so once the day was over or we had different timetables...I was alone. I didn't mind it much, I found it peaceful and loved being able to focus on my school work.

That's what was important anyway.

Finally the elevator stopped and let out a high pitched ring. The doors slowly opened, revealing the buzzing 14th floor. Both desks in front of Mr Malfoy's office were still empty, I wondered where this Vivian girl was.

I shrugged and walked from the elevator, making my way up to Mr Malfoy's door that was still closed. This time I just knocked straight away, not giving myself the chance to overthink anything.

Once again , I was met with a low "Come in" I pushed open the door and walked straight in, seeing Mr Malfoy just as he was when I left 10 minutes ago. I made my way towards his desk and placed the coffee cup in front of him.

I stood back, not sure if I was to just walk away or wait to see if he needed anything else. I looked between him and the coffee about 5 times before he stopped writing mid sentence and finally looked up at me for the first time today.

"Can I help you—" his eyes trailed up my body, stopping at my hair and tracing the the messy curls—each strand at a time before he stared at my hair clips "You have got to be kidding me?" He mumbled under his breath with a small laugh "What did you say your name was?"

"H-Honey" I said quickly "Honey Ilona. I'm—"

"Honey?" he said, his lips twitching upwards slightly. The way he said my name made my stomach churn, whether it was nerves or something I'm not sure I wanna admit "Could you send Bree in here. I want to speak to her and after that, I need you to pick up my dry cleaning from the laundromat down the street. Don't crinkle my suit or I'll make you buy a new one and trust when I say they aren't cheap"

"Oh, is that—"

"Yes. Leave" he dropped his head down again and continued his work.

"Uh, ok" I muttered under my breath and turned around to leave, but I couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes burning into my back, watching every move I make before I shut tue door behind myself.

Once I did, I breathed out heavily. I looked to my left and saw that the empty desk next to mine was now occupied with a small petite blonde women. Her full lips covered in a vibrant red, her blue eyes scanning the laptop in front of her as her freshly manicured nails tapped away on the keyboard.  

She stopped and stood up, picking up numerous pieces of paper before tapping them on the desk to straighten them in her hands. She turned and pushed her chair out, taking a step from her desk.

She had on a tight grey dress, showing off her perfect subtle curves, black stockings covering her long legs with black boots that reached up to her knees. Her blonde hair was curled neatly to the side and she had a black belt tight around her small waist.

I smiled and took this as an opportunity to introduce myself "Hi, I'm Honey. Mr Malfoy's—"

"Yeah, I'll take a lemon tea. No sugar and make sure it's hot" She said, not looking up at me as she sorted through the notes in her hands.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now