Drunk At 6:30?

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Honey Ilona

I woke up once again, on the kitchen floor. Alena curled up by my feet and my back aching from the hard surface. I yawned and stretched my muscles, sitting up to pat Alena on the head. I looked around, everything still the same and I had not a clue of the time.

I stood to my feet, straightening out my jeans before walking from the kitchen and into the hall. I looked up at the windows and noticed it was day, what time of day? Not to sure. I picked up my yellow sweater and pulled it over my body.

There was more of a draft in here then normal and it made me shiver. Probably because the doors open—

Wait... the doors open!

My eyes widened as I ran towards the now open door. I noticed Mr Malfoy was no where to been seen so he must of left before I woke up. I couldn't believe it was actually open, I blinked and few times, resisting the urge to pinch myself.

"Alena!" I called out "Alena!" The small dog came running towards me. I immediately scooped her up in my arms and walked from the hall. I turned back around and stared into the room "I hope to never be in there again"

I turned around and walked away, making my way as fast as possible back up to my apartment. I chewed on my lower lip as I neared the hallway to my apartment. How was I going to explain this to my mother who has probably been worried sick for the past two days?

I never meant to get us trapped in that room—obviously, but I wasn't sure if mum was going to take it the right way. I might walk into the apartment and she'd think I was a ghost or maybe someone impersonating me.

She thought of crazy things like that.

I sucked in a deep breath as I stood outside the apartment, reaching into my pocket for the key. I pulled it out and looked down at Alena.

"Well, here goes nothing" I chuckled before sticking my key in the door and pushing it open. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the women that was about to jump me but instead, I was met with silence.

Pure silence.

I frowned and opened my eyes, finding my apartment empty. I pulled my key from the door and let Alena run past my feet into the room. She jumped up into the he couch and curled herself in her favourite spot. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Hello?" I called out but unfortunately there was no answer. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked towards the kitchen, picking up the land line and dialing my mothers number.

I let the like ring for a few seconds before it answered.

"Hello?" She answer, sounding unbothered and chirpy.

"Mum?" I asked confused. I was gone for almost three days and she sounds completely comfortable.

"Oh. Hey, dear" she chirped.

"Are you ok?" I asked, frowning.

"I'm well" she huffed "How are you? How was that work trip? Your boss rang me this morning explaining where you were! You could of at least told me before you left for work, sweetheart"


I blinked, staying silent for a second. Mr Malfoy did that for me?

"Uh—" I cleared my throat "It was—it was fine" I nodded.

"Oh, that's good! I hope it wasn't too tiring for you? I prepared some pre made meals for you in the fridge and freezer, you can take some to work and each at your desk so you don't starve during the day"

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now