Chapter 1

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Six months.

Six months since the accident.

Six months since I got out of the hospital.

Six months since my life was changed completely.

On Monday morning I woke up to my 6 year old nephew bouncing on my bed. "SAMS UP UP UP!" I pulled the pillow over my head and groaned. BOOM! A heavy weight landed on top of me. I tossed the pillow off me head. "SAMUEL get your fat ass of of me before I call Lou in here." My childish older brother smiled at me . "Awe sister dear, she already left for work. So it's me and Parker against you." I glared at both of them and kicked Samuel off the bed. "Ow, why are you always such a bitch in the mornings?"

I pushed the covers off and stepped over Bing (Samuel). "Parker let me get ready for school, then I can help you and Bing get the hell out of my room so I can get ready." Parker ran out the room, bouncing the whole way. I swear that little boy is an energizer bunny. "I will be a little late picking you up from the stable today, I have to pick up Parker." I nodded my head and went into my bathroom.

I took a shower and got dressed in dark ripped jeans with a burgundy tank top and a jean jacket. I straightened my hair like every other day and put make up on. I strayed on perfume and made my way to Parkers room.

Parker was standing in his closet in just he Spider-Man boxers." You having trouble there." He looked at me a flashed his adorable smile. "I can't find my Spider-Man Tshirt." I shook my head and started digging in his closet. I pulled out the T shirt he wanted and went to his drawers and pulled out a pair of light washed ripped jeans. I grabbed him a pair of socks and his timberland boots. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs." I kissed his forehead and limped back to my room.

I slipped my I phone in my pocket and grabbed my white converse. With my usual limp I walked downstairs where Parker was eating breakfast with Bing."Remember Parker its Paige not Sam ok? You can't keep slipping up this is a very big deal." Parker looked at me and nodded his head his mouth full of cereal. I took my medicine and grabbed a granola bar." Grab your knee brace Paige, you can't go without it anymore."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my hot pink knee brace off the counter. I kicked my shoe off and tugged the knee brace on. "This thing is stupid and it's uncomfortable." Bing rolled his eyes. "To bad babe, you're supposed to wear it all the time." I cursed under my breath.

I slipped my converses back on and laced them. Parker came around the corner with his hair messy, dragging his book bag. "Parker, do you need help babe." He showed that adorable smile a nodded. I smiled and helped him with his book bag and fixed his hair." There, now you're good to go and I'll have to keep the ladies off of you."

Bing came running into the kitchen with his keys in his hand. "Come on bitch and little man, we got to get you to school." "Call me a bitch one more time Bing and I swear you will land on your ass." He stuck his tongue out at me and I flipped him off. And then there was Parker who was laughing his ass off at our bickering.

I rolled my eyes and walked outside to the car. Parker ran out in front of me and got in the backseat of the truck while I got in the passenger side. Bing jumped into the drivers seat and started the truck. The way to Parker's elementary school was filled with silence. When we got there Bing got out and walked him in the building.

Bing, Lou, and I are extremely close. Lou got pregnant with Parker six years ago. His dad cheated on Lou and that's when she found out she was pregnant. Parker's dad wanted nothing to do with him so Lou got full custody. Bing was basically the only dad Parker every knew. Our parents died 2 weeks after I was born so Lou was the only mom I ever knew. And for Bing well he was like a dad to me also. Supper over protective and him always watching me. Lou was the same way always calling and texting when she was at work and always looking after me. Parker and I are inseparable and I always looked after him. He took the love to horses like me and has been rising since he was 6 months old. Lou and Bing also rode but weren't involved as much as I was.

We moved 5 months ago. Bing used to go to college in the town we are living in now so he had a house which we are living in . Our house that we were living in before the move, we still own it and it has a huge barn with many paddocks.

I originally had 3 horses. A mare who is 5 and is a jumper. A retired dressage horse who was used for barrel racing. And then a Morgan gelding who is a really hard subject for me.

I gave Parker the retired pony who he loved. He also has a quarter horse pony that I had healed for him who he used for jumping and many other things.

I was lost In my thoughts and didn't here Bing come back. "Lost in your thoughts again?" "They always seem to drag me away." He smiled. "Well don't let them drag you to far to where we can't get you back." I snorted and looked out the window.

We pulled up to the high school and I groaned. "Why do I have to go?" "Come on kid, this is your last year. Your 16 you don't have that much longer."

I got out and stood by the truck door. "You know sometimes it's not as easy as you think."

(Sam's bedroom Pictured)

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