Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning to my brother banging on my door.

"Paige get the hell up. Maddie is here."

I groaned. "Go away and let me sleep."

I heard my door slam open. "Wake up bitch. I need more details other than a text message saying 'I had the best time of my life tonight. I'll tell you tomorrow'. Well guess what? It's tomorrow so wake the fuck up."

I opened my eyes to see a pissed off Maddie standing in the doorway. She was in black yogas and a flannel and Uggs. It was still winter after all and we were currently on winter break. We only had a week left though.

I sat up in bed and ran my hand through my knotty hair. Maddie plopped down on my bed Infront of me and waved her hands for me to go on with the story.

I rolled my eyes. "Jake forced me to go to the rodeo with him. So I went. And of course the barrel racers were there so that means Grace Williams."

Maddie clenched her jaw." What did that slut do now?"

See her and Grace had a past. Maddie's ex slept with her at a party we were at and they haven't gotten along since. Not that I blame Maddie at all. Grace Williams was one of the biggest sluts we knew. And we know a lot.

I sighed. "I kinda got in an argument with her. She said she was defending her championship title. I said that coming in second every year wasn't really defending anything."

Maddie laughed. "Man I love you. Keep going this is getting good."

I rolled my eyes. "Any ways she told Jake that she expected a congrats kiss and that is when he dragged me away to the bleachers. He told the really sweet girls to watch me and make sure I didn't get in trouble. Did you know that he is like a championship Reiner? He is going to the fucking worlds and I treated him like he was an idiot."

Maddie looked shocked. "I didn't know he was that good."

I shrugged. "Me either. But back to the story. The girls warned me about how Jake was a man whore and that he never settled down. So when it was over I went to find him so we could leave. And there he was lip locked with Grace fucking Williams.

Maddie glared." I'll kill those bastards."

I snorted. "I'll help. Anyway I was pissed and told him we weren't together and that it didn't matter. How I didn't want to be second choice. And I wasn't going to. And he said that I was his first choice and that would never change. And then he kissed me."

Her jaw dropped an then she smirked. "It sounds like you had an interesting night."

I shook my head. "I don't know what to do. He is a player and I'm falling for him. I can't go through that shit."

She sighed. "Maybe you won't have to Paige. Maybe you'll be able to change him."

I snorted. "Me changing the player. That's never going to happen."

She smirked. "Guess you just have to play the game."


Maddie left my house a few hours later. I got dressed in ripped medium wash jeans, a grey baseball tee, black converse, and a Hollister jacket.

I walked downstairs where Bing was laying on the couch. I slowly kneeled down and got eye level with him. He smiled and liked my nose.

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