Chapter 2:

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After the last bell rang I went to the bathroom and changed into my riding clothes. I pulled on the black breeches and tall riding boots. I pulled out my grey oversized wrestling T shirt, tucked it in and tightened my belt. I shoved my clothes into my bag and ran my hand through my hair.

I looked in the mirror and frowned. My bright green eyes had lost their spark. My skin had become sickly pale. My long brown hair still fell past my mid back but was life less without its curls. I shook my head erasing the thoughts and slung my bag over my shoulder. I limped out the school and walked the 20 minutes to the stable where we boarded our horses.

As I walked into the parking lot this blue truck came flying in front of me and slid into a parking space. And of course me being my hot headed self did something I always did. "YOU DUMB ASSHOLE YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOH ARE GOING." I saw a tall built guy with black hair and blue eyes with a cowboy hat get out of the truck. Before he could say anything I stormed into the barn and into the tack room. I put my book bag by my stuff and went to check on Image, my mare.

I walked to her stall and grabbed her halter off the hook beside the door. She was at the back of her stall eating hay. I unbolted the door and slipped in. "Hey baby girl you want to ride today." I slipped her halter on and lead her out of her stall and put her into cross ties. I went back to the tack room, grabbed the brush box, and walked back to her. I brushed her chestnut coat and combed her mane and tail. I cleaned out her feet and started T-touch. Going in small circles on her forehead and slowly felt her relax. I went back to the tack room to return the brush box and picked up my English saddle, bridle, and black saddle pad.

I tacked her up and led her to the indoor arena. The indoor arena was huge and had jumps set up all around it. I pulled my stirrups down and pulled the reins over her head. I used the mounting block since I can't get on regularly because of my knee. I mounted and collected my reins. One of the best things about the arena, it had music playing which seemed to calm the horses down.

There were at least 10 riders in the ring. I saw Kate, the riding instructor, standing in the middle of the ring. She was the only one besides my family, the vet, and my doctor who knew my story. I urged Image into a walk and settled into the saddle. "PAIGE!" I turned my head to see Kate. "There is a new horse coming today, I need your help." "Ok."

I picked up a trot and started circles and figure eights. Her easy long strides were soft and fluid. After we warmed up enough I made her canter a few circles before we took on the jumps. As we headed toward a low oxer I felt her muscles bunch and then we were over. Jump after jump she soared over them easily. I called it quits after a while and dismounted.

I led her back to her stall and untacked her. I put all my stuff away and rubbed her down. I fed, watered her, and took her halter off and put it back on the hook.

Kate was coming down the aisle while I bolted the door back. "The new horse just arrived." I nodded and followed her to the main parking lot. Most of the people who were at the barn were there for the arrival of the new horse. In the crowd I saw the cowboy from earlier.

He was wearing dark jeans and boots. With a tight whites t shirt and jeans with a jean jacket he looked sexy. But of course I couldn't let him know that. He had on a cowboy hat and you could see his black hair underneath. His bright blues eyes shined and his expression remained serious. With him being tall and built made him even more sexy and intimidating. It made me hate him on the spot.

Ignoring everyone else I focused my attention to the trailer and truck in front of us. The truck had the vets logo on the side and Bing hopped out of the passenger side. I looked at him confused. There were screams and pounding hooves coming from the trailer. The trailer was shaking and you could tell the horse inside was angry. The vet came into view. "I was surprised we even made it. I was sure he was going to break out." The vet looked around at the crowd that had gathered. "Ok everyone I need yall to step back." Everyone was whispering but listened. The vet went inside the trailer while Bing undid the ramp. As the ramp slammed the ground the horse stormed out of the trailer. I couldn't believe it. How could Bing do this?

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