Chapter 15

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I was cleaning Image's tack in the tack room when Ty came in and sat down.

I scrubbed Image's saddle. "What brought you here?"

He sighed. "Jake left town. He moved to work at his uncles farm and bull ride in Arkansas."

I ignored the tears and continued scrubbing. "Thanks for letting me know."

I saw him nod and walk out the tack room. I finished the saddle and then began to work on the bridle.

I couldn't count the tears that fell of my face. I told myself it would be ok and that he didn't matter. Even though he did.

It was late in the afternoon which means I could work with storm. I grabbed his leather halter and jumped on him bareback.

He galloped out of the barn and onto the trail that led to the waterfall. I gripped his mane tighter and kicked him to go faster. He nickered and picked up his pace.

His mane whipped my face causing some tears to fall. The trees flashed past us. I smiled. This was the first time I've galloped in him since the accident and there were no flash backs.

I pulled him to a stop at the waterfall and hugged his neck. He turned his head and nudged my leg. I chuckled and turned him back to the trail.

I had school tomorrow so I don't think I should be a walking zombie my first day back.

He cantered back and I slid off him when we reached the barn. I readjusted  his sheet and polos and put him in his stall. After I fed and watered him I walked to the parking lot where my jeep was at.

Tomorrow was going to be hell.


The next few weeks went by with no problems. Storm was getting back to his old self and Image was taking championship titles at every show we went to. I still hadn't heard anything from Jake but Mike said that he was bull riding and hadn't had the guts to get on another horse let alone by one.

School wasn't bad. I was acing all my classes and still went to parties with Maddie.

I walked into the barn and grabbed images halter and then walked to the paddock that she shared with a palomino. It was spring now and it began to warm up. So the horses stayed outside more. Of course storm was still at the back of the barn and only was let out when the other horses were inside. His paddock was connected to his stall so he could come in and out whenever he wanted.

I put Image's halter on and led her out of the paddock. I led her to the barn and out her into crossties. I brushed her and tacked her up.

She perked her ears up as we walked out of the barn. I smiled. I was really proud of her. She was still crazy sometimes but she loved jumping and knew if she acted bad she wouldn't be able to.

She stood by the mounting block and I hopped on. I trotted her in the direction of the trail that had jumps across it.

She cantered and jumped the huge log at the beginning. I loosened the reins and leaned forward as she cleared the next jump.

We rode down the trail at a slow steady pace till we came upon the same waterfall that you see in the other trail. I saw Ty come around the corner.

He smiled. "Funny seeing you here."

I rolled my eyes. "I've been riding these trails almost everyday now."

He chuckled. "I guess I know where to find you."

I nodded and Image stomped her foot. Ty looked at me and smirked. "How is that piece of shit horse of your doing?"

I glared. "He is more then you horse will ever be asshole."

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