Chapter 10

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I pulled up at Stephen Chance's mansion. I was dressed in high waisted black shorts, long sleeved lace top, and high top converse. I had done a smoky eye and kept my hair it's normal straightness. Maddie was dressed in high waisted red shorts with a white lace top with black pumps. Her hair was curled and she also did a smoky eye.

We got out of her car, that she had let me drive, and we walked toward the front door. People were already scattered on the lawn with abandoned beer bottles and solo cups. I smirked. This was gonna be a fun ass night.

When we got to the front door I opened it and walked in. There were people everywhere dancing, grinding, you name it and they were doing it. I walked straight to the huge kitchen where people were playing beer pong. Greg and Ashton were on a team while Stephen and this blonde headed guy were on the other.

I opened the fridge and pulled out two bottles of beer. I handed one to Maddie and she immediately chugged it down and I wasn't far behind. The boys to noticed us and their jaws dropped. I smirked while Maddie snickered. "Alright boys,ready to get this party started."

Stephen put the cups in a pile so we could start shots for shots. I put ten shot glasses on each side of the table and filled them up with vodka. "Ok whoever finishes the shots first, wins." Maddie got in one side of the table while Greg got on the other. "Go!" They both poured them back and laddie winced.

She wasn't good with liquor. She could only handle extreme amount of beer. She was on her 7th shot when Greg finished. He threw his hands in the air and boasted. "I hate you all." I laughed at Maddie who was already really buzzed.

It was mine and Ashton's turn next. I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. I refilled the glasses. "Go!" I tipped each shot back, ignoring the burning when it went down. I finished all ten while Ashton was on his fifth one. I smirked and Maddie laughed. She knew I could hold my liquor. Many people loved to go up against me but I always won no matter how drunk I was.

Ashton looked at me with an impressed expression. Maddie smirked at me and dragged Greg Into the huge living room where everyone danced. Ashton stalked over to me and put his hands on my hips, pulling me flesh up against him. "Who knew you had party experience?" I shrugged. "What can I say, I know my way around."

His lips met mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Even though I knew it was wrong I went with it. He pressed me up against the counter. I pulled away and smirked at him. "Let's dance."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the living room where Maddie was dancing with Greg. The song "Latch" was on and I smirked. I put my hands over my head and swung my hips. I let the music flow through me and let the liquor work its magic.

I felt Ashton's hands go on my hips but I didn't let that bother me. I smirked when I felt his hands tighten on my waist. I put my hands on his and pried his hands off of me. I turned and smirked at the annoyed expression on his face. I grabbed an unopened bottle of liquor off the table and tipped it back.

I chugged the whole bottle and ignored the burning. I meant what I said about getting drunk. I set the bottle back down to meet Ashton's eyes. "Hey there cowboy." I put my hand over my mouth realizing that I slipped up. I was pretty buzzed so I just busted out laughing.

I walked up to Ashton and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waisted and started grinding his hips against mine. I responded. He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Chill Jake." I winced and he just looked confused. Dammit I needed to get my mind right.

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