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The surprise face the woman did was priceless, the Queen had to speak with her in a lower voice to have her calm down then she motioned the man with the camera to take the picture, the woman husband tried to withdraw from it in fear, but knowing better she shook her head no having a bodyguard ushered him to go take the spot near his wife to the other side of the Queen to not have him touching her.

She was after all the wife of a ruler, it was well known it the society that man normally didn't have the right to be asociación with married woman, let alone the Queen.

At the first attempts to shoot the first picture, feeling then uncomfortable she turned her head to the two asking them something that had the two smiling brightly.

After that she gave the woman a kiss on the right cheek waving at the man whose face was a bit red now as he did as requested pleasing the woman every man in the room envy and respect to have all her attention on him, he loved his wife but Queen Katiandra Alister was like a star in the country. He finally smile tightly.

Taking it a his cue the photographer took his pictures not wasting time, knowing moments like that would not occur anytime soon.

it never occurred before, the royals event were always secluded people could only  bragged for being there the 'invitation cart' being the only proof they were invited.

The only way to have her picture would be to wait for the annual one the royal family place in all the public places if people wanted to see it or they could always go all the way to visit the museum which many love to do only to  have her as the background images of the pictures. There at the museum there were an entire wall with her imagine plastered on it, she was like a national icon for the population.

Anna Blake had to admit the fact that they changed the picture every years make good income enter the place, not everyone could afford that though, school and university student could visit for free which was a good deal.

As Katiandra squeezed her way out of the rest of the room some bold women asked for pictures too which she allowed them smiling sweetly everytime her husband and children could only witnessed it from the other side of the room astonished at how she was happily braking the law making people happy in the process.

As soon as she walked out of the room, Mr Blake turned to his wife smiling brightly very surprised.

"Woah she isn't as I imagine her to be, look at all those people she treated them like they counted, she is so genuine no one can fake it to this point."

Amused by the way he seemed free on his general behavior his wife nodded with a little smile.

"Oh dear, if she did fake you would have know. She really is a different person. A lot happier."

Thinking back at how uptight the woman used to be she wondered what had her so different, Anna Blake knew there were something because they were alike in some point that is why they could work together for all those years.

Now looking at herself, at how the weight of her children health was removed from her, she could feel her heart again which made the life more colorful, allowing happiness to re-enter her life. She couldn't pinpoint what it was but she knew it has something to do with her children surgery.

"If you said it I believe you." Shaking his head at her word he took another sip of his wine his eyes full of the color and the amount beautiful thing in the banquet hall, before following his wife not knowing where she was going.

Finally getting out through the patio where there were few people they wandered around the beautiful garden silent for a moment. Mr Blake took the last sip of his champagne lingering his gaze around before having them in his wife's eyes searching something in even him didn't know, reassurances? He didn't know. He wasn't stupid of what was going on.

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