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Dr. Killian's hurried steps echoed through the grand staircase, the polished marble cool beneath her sensible shoes. The weight of the tardy hour pressed on her as she descended, from the quarters that had be designed for her to stay in for the time being, on the lower floor. It was her first time to wake up this late being on duty

Downstairs, the familiar bustle of the mansion greeted her. Not everyone was already there, it was clear the Queen arrival had lower things a bit.

Martha's, the ever-efficient housekeeper, bustled past with a tray of steaming pastries, her smile strained as she acknowledged the doctor with a hurried nod, this was not a simple breakfast today,  all things had to be perfect,  Killian understood why, even her felt a bit different.

Norman, head of security, who had became in a matter of hours a stern-faced , stood by the entrance, his gaze really calml,he just acknowledged her with a curt nod, which she responded to.

"Good morning, Dr. Killian," Mr. Kamali who sat not far  from her, in a large couch, greeted her, his voice laced with concern. "You think everything alright?"  Assuming he was talking of the ever present moon of the last night,  thinking she had already seen Lorelei the man added looking intensely at her then in the direction of the large staircase, rather nervous.

Dr. Killian offered a reassuring smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just running a bit behind schedule this morning, Mr. Kamali. Urgent matters, I need to tackle today, you understand."

He nodded curtly, she was a renowned  surgeon they had kept for themselves for a long period of time, it was clear others needed her attention, but she had stayed with them cutting all interactions with the outside world.

worry etched on his face at the unusual nature of the situation, a weight aggravated the venue of the Queen. With a brief exchange about Lorelei's condition, mostly the voiced worry of her father about his fear for her to relapse, Dr. Killian reassured him, but pressed on, her brisk pace quickening as she reached the upper floor.

The plush hallway stretched before her, sunlight streaming through the expansive windows and casting long shadows across the opulent decor. Her destination – the large, ornately carved oak door at the end of the hall – loomed before her, and a silent tension hung heavy in the air.

Here, Dr. Killian's determined stride faltered slightly. She straightened her black pantsuit, a silent act of composure, before approaching the imposing figure of Sloan, Lorelei's and the Queen's personal guard, who stood sentinel in front of Lorelei's bedroom door. The doctor's professional demeanor took hold once more.

"Dr. Killian here to see Miss Lorelei," she announced, her voice firm yet respectful. She knew this was now a matter of deference, and respect of rule,  Lorelei may have been slack concerning that but this was how it work,  so she indulged.

Sloan internally breathed out thankful for the woman who was more Understanding than the others, early it was Mrs Kamali who had looked at him like he had grown two heads thanks to kayley who was there to tell her he was just doing what he was pay for.

While he remained silent, his gaze unwavering. He raised a hand, his fingers brushing against a small, discreet device strapped to his forearm. A faint blue light pulsed on its surface, a silent request for confirmation. Inside the bedroom, Lorelei slept peacefully, oblivious to the silent exchange happening outside her door.

Queen Katiandra watched the interaction unfold through a hidden security monitor. Her fingers lingered on a similar silver device resting on the dresser.

A notification flashed on the screen – "Access Request: Dr. Killian." Katiandra knew the drill. This was her silent conversation with her guard, a confirmation of the doctor's identity and purpose, but also an opportunity to convey any additional information.
With a thoughtful frown, Katiandra tapped a message on her device:

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