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"I do not get how you do this you know? You were sleeping one minute ago and still you manage to walk sleepily?"

Showing her tongue to her big sister Alicia shook her head while rolling her shoulders to relax them. It was not her but being near Lorelei could do that to someone. She was becoming maniac as her and her mother by how she worked every chance she had.

She had decided to not stop to her bachelor degree but power far. Between Lorelei and her mother there was no exemple of slacking for her mind. Even Kayley was thriving into a powerful woman, the best version of herself actually.

Long gone was the drunken Kayley. She never drink more than one glass, sometimes indulged in non-alcoholic drinks. It was amazing the changes in one person.

She was more authoritative with that rare charisma that lack nowadays. She felt safe to be around. Never belittling people anymore, she made effort to balance it with being an actual human being with feeling for others, starting with her little sister.

Alicia while almost sauntering lazily toward the out doors where the launch was served, spared a glance to Kayley attire, a simple but yet elegant dress that hugged her upper part going loose from her hips to her mid legs. It has that posh corsage that was up around the neck making a V line on her chest giving a small pick of her cleavage in a teasing way. She was really beautiful the small Fendrik admitted to herself with a small smile.

Shaking her head at her little sister failed attempt to be discreet, Kayley placed her hand on her lower back pushing her to her side. With a kiss on her temple she squeezed her shoulders amused by her late mannerisms.

"You know you are not bad yourself in you crumble but still good looking pants. I don't know how you do that. I try but it is not for me."

Laughing at her puzzled face, Alicia side hugged her thanking God she had her big sister at her side. With time she had become more expressive of her feeling for her. She was really the sister she had so many time dreamed of, someone she could look up to sharpen her own self. Kayley had been doing her best to mend their relationship throughout the year, it was really wonderful. There were now best friend which really was a dream come true.

"Nah. You were raise to be the second on the line of succession remember? Aaah stop assaulting me woman!" Massaging the not so sore spot Kayley had playfully smacked Alicia really cried out making her big sister looked at her in disbelief.

The moment she had her hand up to do it again, Alicia popped her index finger up warningly.

"If you smack me again I will call Lorelei."

"Oh! Is that so? To do what? Punish me?" Playing along like she was offense Kayley stopped to look straight in her sister eyes challenging her to pursue.

"Yes." Arching her eyebrows like their mother would do in such occasion. Kayley put a show to think about it then sighing dramatically she shook her head at Alicia to show her it was not a possibility.

"You should be afraid. We have a weapon that will shatter you almighty defense. It is one that could not even go through your mind. That will enlarge your thinking process"

Stopping at the entrance of the terrasse Kayley scrutinized the young woman that was likely her sister enumerating why she should be worry. Amused she already had her hand up to smack the back of her head when she jumped back ready to go in a scream fit. They both knew Lorelei whatever she was doing would come running like there was no bodyguards and cameras all over the house.

"Think wisely about it big sis, think about how many time it took you to be this untouchable image of grace. Think at how long you had to pull and style your hairs."

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