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Another normal day in PORYS.
Simple was it, the sun was shining in a warm and safe way for the human.

The sunrays reflected the beauty of the sea, it made it looked like the best canvas one could ever wish to be granted the blessing to see. The nature, stunning was the word used around to qualify it. PORYS a dream destination, all you need to compare with paradise. All of it the natives knew was just a frame to attract more tourists, an image that could become boring at some point.

If it was how heaven looks then on this particular day none of the folks walking or running gave it any thought, bored humans being or just too preoccupied with the issue of the day. Most of them did not even have habitation around. Places for "lower classes help" as they were called did not fit the dream designed to represent PORYS. They could only steal those moments of beauty bring them home at night with hope one day they could fit in.

A day like this particular one, difference did not count, all was the same, humanity face with its powerlessness. Everyone felt the same weight on the soul like the Universe was pouring invisible rain on humans souls.

All were feeling its invisible hand doing some invisible work none of them could understand. Everyone of them, bystanders and sellers, those running to shake themselves off of the dullness that was threatening to swallow them was just reduced to the vanity of life. Mortality.

Even that wealthy mother exiting her car with a toddler, to just stand by the seashore to look at the bright waters holding her child hand her left one on her hips the way she frowned had the men seating on the sand not far nodded to each others it was not only them feeling low, it affected even the "blessed of God" as they called the high society. They were unusually out for a week day, all of them with the same face reflecting uneasiness that even theirs palaces could not fill.

They had seen it all before, the oldest amongst them just stared at all the ruckus without a word knowing when the true nature of life claimed what is hers even the Kings of the human realms bow in front of it. One of the men in particular, seating away from the others looked up smiling at the calm sky, "too calm" he thought. the weather was its normal self neither shiny nor dry.

Like the calm that announced an incoming earthquake. All was silent. 'If human were birds they would not be seating around wondering what is wrong, they would be running for their lives'.

He thought spitting in the sand the last drop of  the beverage he was drinking from an old plastic cup before throwing it in his very old but clean plastic bag, he did not care of things most of the time firm believer of the spiritual life ruling the physical. He knew 'like knows like" the same 'like attract like', no matter the classes wealth had created between men, when like soul met nothing could come between them.

So he was not and had never been influence by someone money. It was just tools given to win the game of life, in way humans could understand. Others arms exist, those he could manifest. He often demonstrate it with weird premonitions that had people a little wary of him.

The way he lived his life was a reflect of his mindset, simple in all way, almost a silent one when he had nothing to say.

"Changes are coming. The gods will manifest them. This is the beginning of a new era, a fire is Kindles that no one can quench. Change, yes change."

Upon hearing him said that the two men nearby, knowing his words were always true nodded apprehensively praying it would not be the poor that will carry the heavier load of those changes.

The morosity of it all could be seen on people faces throughout all the kingdom, it was a shadow threatening to swallow all theirs souls. It seemed to be feeding itself from people joy. Only the children and some high spirited person could moved around unhindered.

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