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Rolling her tongue in her mouth Lorelei kept still knowing something was off in the story she was hearing, she could feel her heart clenched over and over in an unpleasant ache she had  to keep for herself.

Feeling the change in her after the news the man served them without knowing he did something that was not for him to do, Alicia squeezed the fingers that was hanging free near hers, shocked at how cold they were it was like she had zone out a different way, because when she looked up she smiled at her in reassurance. It could have fool her, she could have thought the coldness what just that. Some people get them most of the time. She could have believed many way if it had reached her eyes the way it always does.

Sighing internally, she wondered why her mother had lied to them. It was so unlike her. Even why the precipitation? All those questions that was moving her heart and brain the wrong way stayed within knowing there were no way she could turn to her friend to ask. Given the circumstances it would be insensitive.

The doors finally opened releasing all the tension that filled the elevator, exiting it the first almost unconsciously running, the short man led the way to the back of the warehouse of the airport where the cars was waiting to start pulling out under a heavy police escort.

" As you can see they're almost done."

Pointing at the men that waited with each a paperwork in their hands to be sign he said pointing the obvious, again! Aching for him, Alicia almost shook her head no at him to have him shutting his mouth. Guess he did not heard enough from his mother that was anchored in her own brain by hers.

" If you have nothing to say. Keep you mouth shut."
Invariably as with her mother's, the same happened leaving them all hanging.

Not minding him anymore Lorelei left them there not in the mood of socializing. Wandering her gaze around she left the group of officials that came with them to dwell with the man she could not seemed to remembered the name walking away toward the group of searchers that was in Porys.

Spotting Boyer, Blake assistant, she headed towards him Sloan behind her. Turning her head towards the clingy guard she moved her head to where Alicia stood.

"Go back to her, I will be fine." More an order than a request she commanded looking straight in his eyes. Unflinching under the cold orbs he did not moved. Shaking his head no, not doing anything to turn back he stood near her not moving.

"I can't ma'am, I am your personal bodyguard, Norman will be the one taking care of Miss Alicia." Frowning at him, she stood there with an insisting gaze.

"I'm not seeing him anywhere..." A rapid but attentive study of the place had her staring hard at him.

"Yes that means there are men around to take care of her. It is my duty ma'am. Norman is aware of it. Where you go I do. Please."

Letting go of it at his plead, she restraint herself to not stamp her foot on the ground in front of everyone like a spoil child, trying to regulate her breath in the process it was hard but she managed it.

She knew for certain it was all Katiandra doing. Looking around she could see that she orchestrated it all from the beginning to the very moment she found herself in this cold warehouse miles away from her, gaze wandering around taking it all. A well-oiled machine, no error, ants could not do better.

"Miss Lorelei, it is a pleasure to see you again." Standing still after meeting his brother gaze, Morgan stood with the military salute reserved to royalty.

Turning toward the voice still mad for being blind at everything, thanks to her lover who had made all  she could to keep her brain in a constant out of use. Lorelei stare went straight in Norman unyielding eyes like she did not heard what he had just said, not moving an each of her face her eyes scanned his searching for the piece of information that could confirm her non existent doubts more like killed the edges she was holding in hope it was all her making it all up.

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