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"Call me as soon as you can.They found an opening somewhere for the both our sons. They will transfer them tonight. The boys are so happy!"

Smiling everything else forgotten she took her things in her office closed it, then headed to the sleepy accomodations on the backyard of the museum place there for the occasion then will be remove.

"Professor Blake, you really should take a time out you look like a ghost."

Snorting to her friend and colleague sitting in the center of the living area of the huge tent, laughing at silly jokes the woman kept walking toward her private place while the rest all share an open space.

"That is why I will take tomorrow off. Mrs Alister will be absent too, that will leave Kamali. Guys behave I don't want to hear something went wrong we don't have time for that."

Snorting back at her words, one of her men made a salute pulling a face.

"Professor Blake I don't think anyone would act out around her. I really don't make any difference between her and the Excellency, same intelligence and not the least her guards are very intimidating. I said that I said nothing."

Everyone nodded at his words not uttering another words for that matter.

"I..." Very aware they could be listened to, the woman pursed her lips she wasn't about to jeopardize her chances.

"Mr Boyer I do believe it is just because she doesn't like to be around people she doesn't know, that is call agoraphobia I won't explain what it imply to you. The guards are always leaving enough space for her to breath or control the people around. Have a good night because I'm sure you will need your rest tomorrow."

Turning her back she got in her room took a bottle of water to swallow the pill she put in her mouth laying on her one place bed she dozed off instantly.

Sitting in her office chair a glass of red wine turning between her fingers one of her hand crossed on her chest, Katiandra listened to the conversation in the tent she put in the backyard of the museum, smiling at professor Blake words, she was already doing what she wanted her to do.

Taking a sip of the beverage she leaned her head to the back moving with the seat thinking about what she just did. She never used her position to her convenience, all the years she occupied that Queen position people bowed in front of her, never did she do something out of the line.

Thinking hard she knew she couldn't make a mistake, everything has to be done precisely, a sound signaled her someone was down knowing it wasn't Lorelei beforehand she verified the video to see her husband, not moving she pondered on not allowing him to come up but refrained herself activating the unlock code.

"What are you trying to do? Do you know in which position you will put me if it get out?"

"Please... You are not a saint! You did worse than that, don't play the virgin! I'm not doing something bad, I'm just helping a friend to not lost her children." Staring at her dubious he opened his hands wide still standing in the middle of the office

"You have no friends! What is..."

"You have no RIGHT! I sat all those years playing the perfect Queen, the perfect wife, the PERFECT everything for you to just destroy it by your insanely self. I know everything you know, so don't play it with me. I will harm no one! You are false when you said I have no friends. I have been working with her for so many years and now you want me to seat here and see her children died? We have the hearts, the doctor said they have four I will have two of them!"

His hands in his pockets his eyes still studying her he shook his head the tip of his tongue out caught in between his teeth something Alicia took from him.

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