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" Is everything fine out there? I don't want anything happening to my daughters. If the smallest scratch happen to them I will personally deal with whoever did it!"

Infuriated Arthur yelled in the face of his security man, forcing the man to stand still not moving an inch out of the furious man way. He was known of getting fuzzy whenever someone committed the idiotic move to back off. It was like trying to run away from a lion.

Going back and forth his hands jerking, he pointed at them his eyes sending fury and daggers.

"Answer me! Why am I paying you? You are all useless! Useless! A bunch of idiotic useless joke of security! I can't for heaven sake! Have a proper reach of MY OWN CHILDREN!? Who do you think that you are playing with?? I can do whatever I want to you! Whatever! Do you hear me! WHATEVER! Now if you don't answer me. I will fired you all!"

Walking all over his office he came back to his security chief towering over him, even though the man did twice his strength. He knew he had the power to end his life if he wanted that, just like that. Arthur mouth formed an ugly smile, sly as devil.

The poor man as important as he was out of this office, recoiled inwardly in an attempt to shield his soul form the man's dark energy, the son of Satan he was. He was so well aware of how he had terminated people life. He had been there everytime.

What pledging oneself to serve the crown could do to downgrade one's life was more comprehensive now that most of his life was passed serving in Poris secrets service. He had learned to be resilient, to not take things happening in service as counting, it was separated from his life, it was a role like in movie. But the kind that clung on you, following you on your best dream.

Arthur Alister Zurow was plague and leeches at once. The worse nightmare this world had ever received. Cursing the brothers tight security he swallowed his pride choosing to go for the true, they really tried all they could. Meeting the king eyes he looked straight in them unflinchingly.

"My king, it is almost impossible to reach them. All the men I send there aren't allowed anywhere near them."

Astonished at the information he just heard, Arthur guttural laugh filled the room freezing Alberto Pradesh blood. It was the kind of empty laugh that he so many time heard coming from guerreros in the no-man's-land in which he first worked. Without exception someone always end death. At instance, he Zurow palace was worse than the forest of rebels. What happened in this place surpassed hell itself.

"Wait! How on Earth?! Are they unreasonable!? My children! Are you kidding me!? Norman is there for God sake!"

At this point his hands were moving everywhere like he was about to punch someone. Which he did, one of the chair in front of his desk was send at the other end of the room in a terrific sounds landing in the corner of the office knocking think on its way, a vase with flowers shattered at it's impact on the wall.

The king glared at Pradesh his eyes so wide it was like they could popped out anytime, as was the vein on his temple so big it seemed like the size of a big worm moving in. Even his handsome face became darker, shade with evilness.


Startled at his bark, the other bodyguard in the room made a salute straight like a pic his eyes looking right in the brewing storm that was the king eyes. Without being asked he knew a debrief was required.

"My king, there were already units there to take care of their security. You know how the Queen men can get territorial, it is just a continuation of what is happening here. There are no breach in theirs work. Plus it does not help that the princesses never get out of theirs place. That Mansion is a real fortress. And when they do go out for the museum for instance, their protective gears are heavy."

Taken aback by his men similar reports the king eyebrows frowned upon hearing about another place but Makarov hotel.

"Which Mansion? I don't own one there? They were to stay at MY hotel! I expressly ordered it! What the, Ah! Norman!!"

Slapping his hand on his right  thigh like he was cursing himself for not having seen it beforehand, his head shaking in the process, he was still for a moment then his face changed to a mock facade of his own stupidity.

" My wife is too brillant... That woman! that woman!! Aargh! Seriously! She devil! A Master! She surpassed me. And I am supposed to be the great dragon!? Shame on me I pay people who call themselves intelligent. What a joke!"

Nodding his head like a mad man he made a u-turn an ideas popping in his mind making him understand everything. Now that he thought of everything it became so clear. Like a fool he was played, like a king he will win, he thought a sly smile playing on his lips.

Standing still in the middle of the office he executed a hard nod to no one in particular like he was speaking to himself before acknowledging his surrounded. He knew what to do, he may have lost battles he did not know was happening, but the war was his to terminate. Adrenaline rushed in his vein activating his senses.

Smiling devilishly he nodded at Pradesh motioning him to go with his hand, surprised that he let go that soon the soldiers who has worked for him many years knew it was not a good sign but happy it was not on him anymore opened the double doors closing them behind him finally breathing normally. Arthur Zurow was a sadistic man he never wants to have as an enemy.

Praying to be released too Karis waited untill his eyes connected with the devil himself like always it made something moved in him like switching lights. Aware he would not like what was to come, but will have to perform it whatsoever he thought his beliefs was.

That it how it felt to have you soul sold to the devil, the man had a strong hold on him and used it to make him do terrible things sometimes. He was preparing something bad, intuitively he knew the Queen herself was the target this time. His only prayer was for her to survive it like she already did all those years while others life was taken.

Plotting his victory in his mind, Arthur rounded his large desk silently then sat on his King like seat that had the initials of the kingship of Poris written in diamonds on it. Breathing in an enigmatic smile he beckoned Karis to sit.

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