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"No, it cannot go there. The texture of this mask is different than the others if you put it here it will be  quickly deteriorate degrading the surface. There is too much air around. It needs conditioned space, temperature that will be regulated as the one where it was found. That is why it was kept separately from the others in that case. It cannot be expose here."

Bitting her lower lips while moving around to get the angle in which the last discovery of Gator had to be place, Lorelei failed to see the face the designated designer of the exposition did, apparently he was exasperated by her commanding tone.

Seeing the storm coming Mrs Blake tried to held the man arm but he was too far gone. Shaking his head negatively at her in an angry way he shook hand away before turning to look at the young woman way, more infuriated she was not even there anymore it was like she was out in some headspace where only what she was seeking count. His  heart beating fast he approached her pointing his finger to his chest.

"You know who I am! I will not receive orders from you young lady!"

Surprised by the outburst, Lorelei mind resettled on her surrounding to see the furious man yelling at her. After hearing what he had to say she pursed her lips shrugging, then turned her head back to the door not far away in a corner, she  knew it was a janitor closet. She had already been inside, she knew it was rather big.

"I'm talking to you!!! You don't get to do like I don't exist! No one ignore me!! I am DIMITRIO PLAZZA. You were not even born I was already doing this work! I know this mask will be good here. So we will place it here!"

Astonishment froze the air, everyone breath hung on the woman next move, something made a little noise in Mrs Blake head like a stolen been broken,
rousing an instant headache making her massaged her temple. Things were going to hell quicker than in multiples nightmares. This was a nightmare! She thought blinking the red that was threatening to veil her sight.

Getting tired of his screams, Lorelei bored gaze, looked at him trying to understand what caused his fury. She was being professional, but could remembered Alicia telling her to tone down her mechanic way of working.

It was something that always get her in trouble even in the firm were she had been formed as a lawyer, her abilities to forget herself in a case research then have it resolved lest than three days had the olders associates there hating her guts implying she wanted to take the place they have been working for before she arrived with her 'nerd mind'.

Back then she did not care of their bullies it was just the reflect of who they were inside. In no case who she was. That never hindered, never will it. Noise do not mean force. Human always show how frightened by someone else different they could be.

She just did what worked for her. That was her, she could not stopped the way her mind apprehended a case going straight to the point, analysing the things others could not, seeing right through people like she was reading the angry man before her.

He was afraid, afraid of her shutting his light, taking the lead on things that made who he was. Like the day pushes away the light of the night, the sun shutting off the others stars. Pouring around its life into the world or dismissing the dew of the night. It was a fact two captains could not lead the same ship, he knew it too, but had misread the line of the contract he had signed. Gator Center was her ship.

Squinting her eyes she looked around them to see everyone frozen. One would have thing they were all statues placed there for some Halloween party.

The old mansion transforming to be the new museum that will hold the even was not that old but wider, which had made his voice echoing all over the space. Having everyone attention on them. Alicia upset face was turned to him like she wanted to attack him while Mrs Blake had her hands that was previously massaging her left temple awkwardly up trying to calm the man her eyes going from him to the her.

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