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Lorelei stretched languidly in her bed, a wide yawn escaping her lips like a burst of sunshine. Sunlight, dappled through the gap in the silk curtains, danced playfully across her face. Almost noon on a weekday? The thought startled her. It had been a while since she'd slept in so late!

Yawning again, she stretched, feeling refreshed. In a moment of forgetfulness, something felt different. A pleasant, lingering feeling tickled at the edges of her memory. It was like the memory of a warm hug, maybe the sound of raindrops drumming a comforting rhythm on a tin roof.

It felt like the wonderful time in the museum condo back in Porys, when she'd slept in knowing Katiandra was at home.

Home, a word that would forever feel strange for her. Her eyes roamed the dreamlike design of the bedroom she slept in every day. This was more than just a room for her; it held a deeper meaning.

Shaking her head to avoid dwelling on negativity on a day that started so wonderfully, Lorelei leaned against the bed's headboard, contemplative, her hands lazily caressing the sheets that smelled of her shampoo. Maybe she had used a bit more than usual the night before?

Or maybe Katia had been there, like the last time. Shaking her head, she admonished herself that Katia would have woken her, for sure. Lorelei deflated slightly, a small pout forming on her lips. Must have been a side effect of that whole "moon thing" business. Still, the feeling lingered, a pleasant warmth, a sense of… well, everything being okay. It was positively bizarre.

"Maybe it's just residual sensations from the moon," Lorelei mused, picking up a pillow and burying her face in it. A familiar scent – a comforting blend of lavender and sunshine – flooded her senses.

"Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine..." she murmured, her eyes widening in realization. "That's it!" She tossed the pillow aside, a newfound spring in her step replacing her earlier lethargy.

The events of the past few days – the whole lunar prophecy business, the near-fainting incident, the intense family gathering – all ran wildly in her mind. But remembering it all reminded her that she wasn't alone. All those people loved her; they were her family. She had an obligation to be positive.

So, she decided, she would be "a sunshine," she said more firmly, arising from the bed.

Outside, Sloan, her watchful bodyguard, glanced at the screen studying his boss. It was clear Lorelei had no clue about the surprise in store for her. To avoid spoiling it, he resolved to stay silent until she emerged. The woman could be a lies detector even for the best poker face.

Putting his tablet on night mode, he leaned against the wall, his fitness at coming in use to his ability to stay alert for long periods.

In the bedroom, Lorelei stood resolute, determined to be in charge of her own sunshine from now on.

Katia would come when she came. With that thought in mind, belting out a showstopping rendition (at least in her own mind) of "I Feel Pretty" from a musician Alicia always listens to, Lorelei decide to get out of the bedroom, not bothering to change out of her pajamas.

Hunger gnawed at her stomach, but the thought of room service and the inevitable phone call filled her with dread. Not only did the idea of talking on the phone seemed daunting, but she also felt bad for Martha, who would have to walk all the way to her room with a large tray.

"Nope," she declared, channeling her inner self into her best behaviour.

"Today, is a new day to life! Let's be our own warrior!" Chuckling at herself gently she stood up feeling energised.

Just as she was about to step out of the doorway, she felt a small pain in her left flank. Massaging it with a frown, she chalked it up to the stress of recent events.
Stepping out, she noticed a familiar figure stationed outside her door like a sentinel.

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