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Knowing they were short of time, Norman at the request of the Queen called to have the plane waiting for theirs arrival.

Going as fast on the road as it was possible, the escort was just a blur for whomever found themselves walking at 5 Am due to their work schedule. They could only wondered what the royalty could do that earlier in the morning driving like they were a part of a race.

Her seatbelt on Katiandra felt the rush of adrenaline in her making her be on edge. She knew it could work if she played it good or was interrupted by some nuisance, closing her eyes she breathed in to calm herself.

The drive to the airport was about twenty minutes which means they will have to go directly where the plane was parked waiting for its last minute Passengers.

Soon enough she could already see the tarmac of the airport coming in sight, minutes later her car started nearing the huge plane surely surprising the crew which started bowing at the passing engines not even knowing who it was.

"My Queen we are here." Studying the surrounding alerted, Norman said aware that they didn't had the place inspected before coming it could be dangerous with the groups who hate the guts of the king.

Taking her time to gather her self control she nodded waking Kayley who was still asleep.

"My love, hey love... We are here. Wake up sleepy head." Opening her eyes at her mother tender voice, Kayley yawned her face in her palms before looking at her mother tired but loving eyes.

"We have to go out now Kayley... You made me a promise... That you have to accomplish." Seriously focused on her daughter face Katiandra slowly said holding her hands in hers to make sure she understood how important what she was about to do was.

Searching her face with her eyes the young woman out of a sudden looked out through the window to see a huge plane out, with english wrote on it there certainly waiting for her.

Panicked at how serious her mother was to protect her, she looked back at her mother trying to understand what she already did. Just to have the woman showing her a backpack she had in her hand before she knocked on the glass separating them from the driver. Understanding the code the Norman exited the car leaving them alone in the car.

"I'll give this to Norman, make sure no one open it when you will get here, there is the name of a bank inside written on it."

Staring back at her daughter Katiandra place the item on her laps opening the bag to show her what was inside.

"All you need is in this bag. The suitcase you put where I said.
For now on you will be Kayley Fendrik, When you will get there I want you to put this suitcase in a bank the account you don't need the number they will recognize the suitcase it is registering there. There is enough in this bag for you to not be short of it until I find a solution. Come now we don't have much time, there is a storm coming I don't want it to block you here."

Going out before she could even registered what she told her, Katiandra was immediately met with Ms Malone and doctor Killian who frankly didn't knew what she wanted, in silent they waited since she expressly asked to only see them.

Turning her head towards the women, the Queen stopped them from making the usual reverence going straight to the matter.

"It not necessary Miss Malone, Dr Killian. Here's is my daughter you certainly already saw her before. She is your new assistant."

Mouth agape at the situation the women did theirs best to not show surprise face, Dr Killian even looked toward the young woman she knew to be a wild one to see that she was on the verge of tears almost gripping her mother hand. She almost looked like a fifteen something years not making her age.

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