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The lights of the town shone in a way that had Katiandra looking around to see that life didn't stop despite the drama going on in her family. For once it wasn't able to bring her peace.

People was barely on the road anymore, the traffic was easier than the last time she were in this same car with Lorelei, ironically to put her out of the reach of the prick that was her husband.

She didn't knew she would be in that position for one of her daughter. How far the man could go infuriated her to no end. She knew she had to play cautiously or all her previous plans could all fail.

Yes, Kayley safety disturb everything but she couldn't pass over it and do like she didn't know for her own selfish happiness. Glancing down at her she sadly smile at how peaceful she was for the first time after years of keeping everything in her.

Shaking her head still not believing what was happening to her, Katiandra wondered if keeping her with her was the solution.

Evaluating all the possible solutions she was about to give up when her eyes landed on one of Anahy huge picture the ministry of health had put all over the town to salute the devotion of the man for his country.

Her gaze stayed on the man face untill her car passed it leaving her pensive. Then the idea she was looking for popped in her mind making her take a look at her wristband then sighing remembering she removed it to help Kayley take her bath.

NMThe determinated woman used the button that made the communication possible with the front of the car.

"Norman? What time is it?"

"03:30 Am ma'am."

"Do you know which time the US plane will depart with the new group of searchers that replace Dr Anahy at the IRC?"

Gathering his thoughts in the matter, Norman frowned scratching his neck. He never like it when he couldn't provide a piece of information to his boss. Sending a message to one of his contact in the airline center.

Sensing he didn't have that information, Katiandra purse her lips making a mental search of who she could call to confirm her the time, she knew the US ambassy was the one transporting the IRS employees.

The International Researchs Center, was as cautious as all international groups with who their country work.

"Ma'am my contact just tell me that they will be going at 5 Am due to a storm the weather announced. The first one was at 2pm. There will only be Dr Amara Killian and her family, the Blake couple and the experts send to control the transplants process. Everything was already approved by the ministry of transport."

"Thanks you, Norman. Asked them to put Kayley on that list, she is going as Dr Killian assistant. Registered her with my maiden name."

Surprised by the new piece of information the man didn't questionned it sending the full name of the young woman to his contact.

"Done my Queen. We are going right there or still at the museum."

Exhaling feeling a little better, she shook her head even if he couldn't see her.

"We are making a detour , to take something." Her eyes glued to the outside view she mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay ma'am. He just send me back that it is done."

Not answering back she rubbed Kayley b and rmaa praying that for now on she could sleep peacefully like she was doing in her arms. The excuse she will have to give Arthur was something she will have to invent the moment she will see the plane disappear in the nothingness of the sky.

It was already 4:15 when they finally arrived at the museum leaving her still sleepy daughter in the car, she exited the car while Norman held the door open for her.

Locking eyes with him she made a thankful nods before stepping out of the way for him to close the car door. Then motioned at the car.

"I don't want her to wake up I will be here as soon as possible. You stay here I will go with you brother. I believe it is safe here."

"It is ma'am. Even if it wasn't I know he will protect you and you family as I do. Don't worry I keep her safe."

Nodding again Katiandra left to entered in the elevator with Sloan, Norman brother, Sloan,  was holding open for her.

Smiling weakly as Lorelei would have do earning a salute from him, she entered in the large place, door soon closed in front of them.

"Everything is fine here?"

"Yes my Queen, there were no disturbance. No one disrespect your family."

Standing straight near her, the strong built man said understanding what she really wanted to know. Nodding at his words she kept silent until the doors opened revealing her office like she had left it spotless.

"Wait me here." Knowing what it means the man turned his back to the office looking right at the elevator door to not see anything of what she was doing.

Not waste any time, Katiandra rushed toward the door giving in her condo cautious to not make noise that could wake Alicia, after making her way to the door of her bedroom she stopped a moment to take her breath prayed to not wake Lorelei she didn't knew how to face her in the state she was in.

Opening the door slowly she entered in the bedroom that had the light on, tiptoeing toward the door of the dresser she breathed out when she closed it behind her.

Finally finding what she wanted she took it and with it she chooses amongst the pile of passports, Kayley's. They were new passports she did thanking Lorelei who convinced her to make one for all of her children just in case they will want one day to not have Alister Zurow link to their name.

In fact it was just one of those conversations they had in the middle of the night who inspired her to make all the plans she was now following. That woman was a gift for her in so many ways.

She took the same precaution to exit the room not after kissing her love forehead while holding the suitcase and file she had  retrieved in her locker room. To not wake her she had to leave before she sense her presence which she already did before.

Just as she predicted, Lorelei opened her eyes looking around searching for the woman she could swear was near her, not seeing her she sighed softly thinking it was certainly her mind playing her trick even if her perfume lingered in the air. Thinking it was normal in the state of mind she was in she rubbed her eyes before going back in Morpheus arms.

On her way back, Katiandra took Lorelei backpack she always put her computer in making a mental note to buy her another one after. It quick move she replaced the item by the suitcase that fitted right in.

The next stop was to the office safe lock where she took stacks of   cash money all in dollars that she added in the back. Turning to leave she took a look at the clock on the wall, making it ten minutes she did in her condo.

"We can go now." Looking at
The man who already had the elevator opened she entered before letting it closed behind them.

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