Chapter 11

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Zoe POV ~

*Skip eating bc that will make me hungry and I'm to lazy to get up and get something*

We are all walking back to the hotel and me and Sam were walking close. I guess that meant something to cam because he nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and look at Sam. He liked back at me and we both smiled.

"Could you guys just date and not flirt 24/7!" Matt said. I blushed a lot. Sam just laughed and looked down at me and saw me blushing. He smiled really big and nobody said anything until we got to the hotel door.

"We are all going down to the pool later at like 2. That's in 2 hours." Nash said. "Okay we will be down there." I answered and walked into the room with the boys.

"Alright. I'm going to go get ready and we can head down there early. Sound good?" Sam said. JJ, Gilinsky and I all nodded our head in agreement.

We all got ready in about 45 minutes because there is only one bathroom. We left the room about 1 so we had an hour for the four of us. We made our way to the pool which took forever since we were staying on the top floor. The 19th floor. God knows everyone needs to get on the event or when we are going down. We got to the 14th floor when a group of guys came in the elevator.

"What floor?" Sam asked since Gilinsky, JJ, him and I were all near the button things. "Wherever she is getting off at." One of the 3 guys said. I roll my eyes and Ignore them. This elevator was packed so tight so I was basically on top of Gilinsky and Sam.

"Move your hand." I said. "Who?" Gilinsky said. "Sam. Move your hand away from my ass." I said half laughing. "Whoops." He said and now the four of us were laughing while the rest of the elevator was silent. Awkward. (The person this happened to is reading this but I love you! )

We were walking out of the elevator to the pool when one of the 3 guys said, "is that hottie really surprised he was touching her ass?" I rolled my eyes and continued to the pool. Once we got there my phone went off.

Shawny 👑

We are heading down to the pool early


We are already here

Shawny 👑

Lol okay. See u there. We are on our way

"Guys! The boys are on their way." I said. They all said okay and within 7 minutes, the other boys were here.

I was just sitting in the chair because I didn't want to get my hair wet. "Hey Zoe can you come over here!" Sam yelled. I walked over there. "Do you see my watch? I think I lost it when I jumped in." He said. I looked over the pool and didn't see anything.

Sam POV ~

I called Zoe over to look int eh pool for my watch. I left it in the room though. She didn't want to get her hair wet. She was looking when she turned around and said, "It's not in there." I lagged and grabbed her and tried to throw her it but she grabbed onto me so we bother went into the water. we were laughing so hard. I guess she wasn't that mad that her hair was wet. We got out of the pool and I think every person that was at the pool said "DAATTTEEEE!" (The person that says that to me I'm using your words)

She hid her face in my neck and I laughed and hugged her.

I really liked Zoe to be honest and over the past weeks my feelings to her have gotten stronger. Stronger than just liking her. She is so sweet, caring and one of the most beautiful girls in the world. I hope she likes me back. There is only one way to find out.

"Zoe, I have liked for a really long time now. It may not be obvious but I really do. I told the Jacks the day I did and they were okay with it. I promise that I will never hurt you intentionally. I may mess up once but never would I do it to hurt you. Let's not get so sappy." I said laughing and then continuing. "But would you be my girlfriend?" I said. God I hope she says yes. Please, say yes! "Yes. I will." She said teary eyed. We hugged for the longest time it felt like. It felt good though.

"Okay, okay!" Shawn said and added. No PDA and no little wilkinson's walking around!" He said make us all laugh. I am happy to have her.

Zoe's POV ~

And I am happy to have him. I do like him. I found that out after I told shawn I don't know but I do know now.

We are now heading up to the room. I was just thinking about how Sam is my first boyfriend. God damn. What is JJ or Gilinsky tell him that. I will kill them. "So Sam, did you know th-" JJ started to say when I yelled. "Well! It's about 4 and I think we should get dinner. Everyone laughed besides me and Sam. "Do I know what?" Sam asked. Fuck. I hate JJ. Remind me to punch him later.

"You are Zoe's first boyfriend." JJ said and smirked. "Am I?" Sam said seriously. I nodded my head. "That's nothing to be ashamed of! It's cute." Sam said. "Thanks sammy!" I said.


OHHHH! lol. I stayed home from school today and wrote this.

Go check out my friends story! She is working on it! iBrobryanne

Anyways I updated and I love you all! than you for over 600 reads the last time I checked!!!!!

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