Why are you here

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Queen Angella felt so guilty after she called Shadow Weaver a bitch, she didn't even ask how she came to the portal realm, there were so many questions unanswered. Queen Angella decided to make Shadow Weaver some ginger tea and go talk to her.

Shadow Weaver was in the garden, her hair was filled with the evening breeze and put off scents of her shampoo, her face shined with the pink light from the sky, her jaw line was sharper than any knife. Queen Angella went warm she immediately shook it off and walked towards Shadow Weaver with a straight face. "Uhh, I got some ginger tea, your favorite", Queen Angella says. Shadow looks away and thanks her. 

They both sit down on the chairs outside the cottage and look at the beautiful meadow. "Why are you here Shadow Weaver", Queen Angella asks. Shadow sighs and has tears in her eyes "Please call me Shadow, I was trying to do one good thing in my horrid, miserable life", Shadow replies. "What happened after I left please tell me", Queen Angella asks. Shadow takes a deep breath in and explains "After you left, the portal sent an energy signature so big that it alarmed horde prime, Glimmer was then crowned queen and took your position on the throne, Queen Angella Gasped, After that Glimmer had the brilliant Idea of accessing the heart of Etheria to stop the Horde but it wasn't smart after all instead it put us all in more danger", Shadow says.

"NO, my daughter is not that naïve and clumsy, you must have said something, with your power trip" Queen Angella replied.

"Excuse me she went against everybody's wishes and did that, I had no influence on her", Shadow exclaimed.

Queen Angella than breathed in and asked "Ok so what happened next". "Adora and bow went to beast Island and rescued Entrapta and ........... King Micah" Shadow says with tears in her eyes.

"Your telling me if you hadn't come out of that opening, I could have met Micah again", Queen Angella said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry, after that Glimmer activated the heart and it sent the planet out of Despondos, and straight into horde primes hands, Glimmer was then kidnapped but then Adora saved her and Catra, We found a fail safe that could stop the heart from releasing it's magical energy, as Adora reached the heart with the failsafe Horde Prime sent a virus to release the hearts energy. Shadow started crying. I tried and stop the first ones Beast that was guarding the heart...and...and... I sent whatever magical energy I had into the creature trying to save Adora and Catra and I somehow came here" Shadow said with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey it's okay", Queen Angella says as she put her hands in Shadows.

"I'm a monster, I don't deserve your kindness, I terrorized and traumatized everyone you loved most, I hate myself for doing it and I didn't mean to do that to Micah as a child I was just trying to protect Etheria, I thought the spell would work but I shouldn't have pressured Micah at such a young age, He wasn't ready I should have known that, I was so angry by the fact that he failed that I didn't see my mistakes, and now look at me an Ugly Bitch as you said", Shadow said with grief and anger.

Queen Angella looked at her with shock, She lifted Shadows chin and looked into her eyes "Hey, if it helps I forgive you and you don't look that bad", Queen Angella says.

"It helps a little", Shadow says with a tiny smile. 

"I'm so happy Micah is alive, I can't explain how relived I feel", Queen Angella said. Shadow looked disappointed as she said this was she slowly catching feelings, did she like her? "Queen Angella, Thank you for the tea it was lovely" Shadow says disappointingly. "Please Shadow call me Angella ",Queen Angella says as she cupped her cheek and stared into her musty green eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes you know that ",Angella says. Shadow looks away shingly and thanks her. Angella couldn't help but feel warm around Shadow like she was something to her, she hated her before but listening to her story everything makes sense. 

They both sat and looked at the pink marble sky together, and glanced at each other from time to time but when they did they blushed and looked away immediately. Was this the start of something new.

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