The Power of Love

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Shadow flew across the room and hit her head on the wall.

"Angella, I don't want to hurt you", Shadow says

Shadow looks to the side and sees Adora, Catra, Casta, Glimmer and Bow unconscious. She felt so helpless she didn't know what to do.

Angella kicks Shadow and says with a smirk on her face "You worthless scumbag you thought I loved you, I never did, whatever happened between us was a mistake"

Shadow knew that it wasn't true because she was being controlled by Micah but Angella's words hurt her, she had never felt that kind of pain before.

Angella hits her with another energy ball and Shadow lies on the ground. Shadow is bleeding on every corner of her body she couldn't move, she wanted to give up but she couldn't, her friends needed her to succeed.

Shadow then hears something, she closes her eyes and sees Angella in the meadow. "My sorceress, it's ok to be scared, I believe in you", Angella says as she holds Shadows hand and puts her forehead on Shadows.

Shadow then opens her eyes and sees Adora and Glimmer trying to get up and walk towards Shadow.

"Adora don't come any closer", Shadow says

Angella then turns to them and hits them with a big energy ball, they fall back, Adora looks at Shadow and says "I'm sorry, I failed, I can't do it anymore". Adora then transforms into her normal self and goes near Glimmer ,Catra and Casta and holds them tight.

"Angella I love you don't do this, please snap out of it", Shadow says

"Micah is almost done absorbing the magic your running out of time Shadow", Angella says with a smirk.


Shadow gets up and she starts glowing, she felt powerful and strong all of a sudden.

"Wow, what the fuck is going on, how does she have that much power", Adora asks

"I finally understand now, it's the power of love, it happened when she saved you and Catra in the cave and now she's using it to save my mother", Glimmer replies.

Shadow walks up to Angella and puts her hand on Angella's cheek. Shadow focuses all her energy into Angella and sees the evil magic leave her body. Shadow catches Angella before she falls.

"Shadow, my love", Angella says softly.

"I'm here my queen, I love you so much and what I'm going to do next might kill me, so just know that, I will always love you", Shadow says as tears form in her eyes. 

She kisses Angella softly and goes and puts her down next to Adora.

"Adora whatever will happen next might kill me, I love you and Catra so much and wish you all the best for your future", Shadow says as she cups Adora's cheek.

Shadow then let's go and runs towards the heart hoping she wasn't to late.

She arrives as sees Micah taking the energy, she creates a spell and hits him on the back.

"Your too late Shadow Weaver, I've gotten the power, there is no stopping me now", Micah says.

"No, I refuse to believe that, there is always a bigger power Micah, the power of love, I will stop you and save the people I love most", Shadow says.

She hit him with another strong spell, Micah then hits her with a spell but she deflects it. Micah hits her with stronger spell and it pushes Shadow back and into a wall.

Shadow gets hurt pretty badly but still gets up, she then felt someone take her hand it was Angella.

"I believe in you", Angella says as she gives Shadow a short soft kiss.

"Aww this is so sweet, to bad it will be the end of both of you, if I can't have Angie no one can", Micah says.

"Oh Shut up, you bitch", Shadow says to Micah as she rolls her eyes.

Shadow hits Micah with a spell and he falls to the ground, she then puts the blue orb in front of him and activates the orb.

The orb makes a weird marking on the floor surrounding Micah, it then sends all of the black magic out of him. 

The spell was done, it worked, they both looked at Micah, he was scar free and seemed fine but weak looking.

They all return back to Brightmoon, tired and hurt.

They all get checked up at the Med Chambers and they all head to their bedrooms while Micah was still unconscious in the Chambers.

Shadow and Angella entered the bedroom, Angella locks the door and pushes Shadow on top of the bed and kisses her hard, their tongues danced around their mouths and they only stopped when the other needed air.

"What was that for", Shadow asked as she wiped her wet lips with her thumb.

"That was for saving me", Angella says as she moves closer to Shadow.

"And this is for saving Etheria", Angella says in Shadows ear as she rips Shadows dress and pulls down her underwear. She enters and starts fingering Shadow slowly.

"Angella", Shadow says softly. "Yes my love", Angella says in Shadows ear.

"Don't stop", Shadow says.

After they finish Angella goes and lies down next to Shadow.

Shadow then pulls Angella on to her chest and starts playing with her hair. "Good Night my Queen", Shadow says.

"Good Night my Sorceress", Angella says tiredly. 

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