The Party

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They all dispersed from meeting room. As Shadow walked through the corridors she felt someone pull her in a room. It was Adora.

"Shadow I'm panicking, I don't know what to do", Adora says as she hyperventilates.

"Ok, calm down, and tell me what happened", Shadow asked as she was trying to fan Adora.

"Oh Shadow, I want to propose to Catra at the party but I don't know how to do it and I DON'T HAVE A RING", Adora says as she calms down a bit.

"Awww, that's so sweet, as for the ring don't worry I'll take you, it won't take too long, we'll be in time for the party", Shadow says as she wipes the tears falling down Adora's face.

"Thank you Shadow", Adora says as she hugs her.

Shadow then quickly draws a teleportation spell to the jeweler and holds Adora's hand, they both appeared in front of the jewelers and went inside.

Adora was looking for a ring that best suited Catra but she couldn't find any, Shadow saw something at the corner of her eye and it was a beautiful black ring, it was a simple black band, it was perfect.

"Adora that one is perfect", Shadow says as she points to the ring.

"YES that's the one it's amazing", Adora says in awe.

While Adora pays for the ring, Shadow looks around and sees a beautiful ring, it's a silver ring with a simple purple stone in the middle. 

"Hey Adora, come take a look at this ring", Shadow says.

Adora comes over and looks in shock. "You better buy it, it would really bring out the color of her eyes", Adora says.

Shadow buys the ring and they teleported back to Brightmoon.

Shadow and Adora part ways and Shadow makes her way to the Bedroom.

She opens the door and looks in shock, Angella was standing there in a skin tight light purple satin dress, it was a spaghetti strap with a long slit in front. Her hair was in a low bun and she smelt wonderful.

"Where were you, I was worried you weren't going to make it", Angella says worryingly. 

"Oh I had to run a few errands", Shadow says nervously.

"Oh Ok, umm You better get dressed, I hope you like what I put out for you", Angella says as she exits.

Shadow goes in the bedroom and has a bit of moment before she goes and sees what Angella put out for her, it was a black suit with a red undershirt and black heels, Shadow was actually impressed with what Angella put out.

She put the clothes on, she tucks in the red shirt and unbuttons the first two buttons that exposes her cleavage, she accessories with a gold chain and rings, she put on her favorite perfume and a deep red lipstick and a winged eye liner, she also left her hair open.

She made her way down to the party and opened the doors she felt everyone's eyes were on her, she made her way to Angella, Angella took a glimpse of her and spit her drink out.

Angella coughed and said " Holy shit you look HOT". Shadow couldn't help but turn red.

Casta came in with drinks and Adora and Catra join the party.

Adora comes and taps Shadow from behind, Shadow turns and faces Adora, Adora is in utter shock.

"Shadow oh my, you look good, like really good, anyways I'm scared of asking Catra", Adora says.

"Hey, don't be scared I believe in you, you both deserve happiness, you'll do just fine", Shadow says.

She looks over to Angella and sees her talking to Bow and Catra, and they both have boxes in their hands.

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